IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Сonditions under which contemporary employees are working greatly differ from what one could see at the beginning of the 20th century, especially in developed countries. Nevertheless, new demands emerge as the labour market experiences dramatic changes due to technological progress. The opinion, especially enjoying popularity nowadays, is that the working week should be shortened to 4 days. In this essay, the disputes over the aforementioned notions will be discussed.
Deciding on a place to settle down is a challenging aspect. Whereas many would prefer to live closer to their native place, due to a number of reasons. However, this decision has positives and negatives, and this essay will elaborate further on these two perspectives.
In many nations, more and more individuals are staring interestedly in exploring the old stories of the buildings or architectures that they live in. I think the main reasons are based on most people have the natural desire of that keen to know the histories of a place that they living in. Thus,
Nowadays,our world faces decreasing corp lands.some people believe that reducing grass is related to increasing meat consumption and people should diminish eating meats.I think citizens can down their meat-eating by taking more vegetables and chemical sources of protein.It is obvious after that our community will get some drawbacks.
Environmental pollution is the greatest global challenge ,although a number of steps have been taken by the nations,the issue remains as it is. the possible reason may be a speed difference between efforts and the problem itself,not enough resources involved or not being implemented properly.Probable solutions can be from limiting fossil fuel use to finding alternative energy resources. I will be discussing the causes and remedies in-depth in the next paragraphs.
The emergence of science has fostered the interest of humans to research more about what is yet to be discovered which has elevated the experiments on distinct living species. A commonly held view consider this activity to be of no significance and cruel which contrasts with another opinion of the benefits this has to the advancement of mankind. This essay, however, is supportive of the former statement as it proves the unethical behaviour of humans.
It is true that the consumption of sugar-based drinks is constantly increasing. Although the needs of consumers and the easy accessibility to this one could be reasons, there are some remedies that work effectively by enacting some policies and introducing programs of the governments to drop the amount of sugar-based drinks consumed.
It is true that the consumption of sugar-based drinks is constantly increasing. Although the needs of consumers and the easy accessibility to this one could be reasons, there are some remedies that work effectively by enacting some policies and introducing programs of the governments to drop the amount of sugar-based drinks consumed.
Readers all around the globe have an interest in different kinds of literature ,including reading romantic novels,autobiography's of great people,history and science frictions,but among all these one striking interests in real thriller stories and murder investigational books is brainstorming and will elaborate the issue in the essay.
In today’s fast-paced world, working on a job could be highly challenging. Most jobs in recent years demand longer working hours and are causing severe stress and anxiety among working class. There are several causes for this, and companies should take positive steps in providing a suitable environment.
Contrary to the previous phenomenon prevailing in the past, several contributors, especially females become the main breadwinners, allowing males to take care of the family. Despite the drawback, prompted by the phenomenon more benefits should be mentioned.
Immigration plays a vital role in society in developed countries as well as in underprivileged countries. people can immigrate for work, education,safety, cultural issues in the country of origin or the recipient country,wars and conflict between the communities. It can lead to unemployment, overcrowding, inflation and socio-economic issues in the recipient country and brain drain, poverty, social imbalance and negative demography in the country from where people move out.
sleep is essential for the body, and mind to function properly. In recent times,people experience more difficulty in sleeping than they use to in the past decades. There are many factors responsible for this issue including an increase in competition, Also, inadequate sleep has a negative impact both on the affected individuals and society around them.
agriculture is the backbone of the world population. this sector has a vital role in order to fulfil food necessity. in this era, ,however the farm industry is so much better than before, there are many people around the planet who still have the struggle to afford these basic needs. in this essay, I will elaborate on what is behind this phenomenon and give some recommendations to overcome this problem.
A generation ago,rivers,lakes and seas were perceived to be beneficial for agriculture and the environment and in some countries, this is still true.however, In many parts of the world, there has been a sharp environmental problem from these. and because of them the life of animals and the human environment is also facing a lot of challenges.this essay will look at the reasons for this and propose some solutions.
Today, a personal car or two is considered almost as a basic necessity everywhere. But we are also witnessing the environmental damage caused due to the pollution from the billions of cars being used the world over. To add to the litany, is the noise pollution, the congested traffic, the parking issues, accidents etc. Thus, in order to reduce problems, it is high time that we should discourage people to use personal cars.
Issues related to urban areas have been commonly discussed for a long time. As a matter of fact, overpopulation and pollution have been matters of concern for large cities. This essay will be provided further on the reason in which government should encourage citizens to relocate to regional towns.
Throughout the ages the differences between national cultures remain stable. It was determined, in my opinion, to a large degree by the relative geographical isolation and the absence of broad cultural communications. I will try to consider the reasons and consequences of this process below.
It is often claimed that some people spend more hours at work and they experience higher levels of stress because of their working conditions these days. I believe this has been caused due to the competitive nature of today’s businesses as well as the necessity of affording a living. However, there are some measures that could be taken by employers to alleviate the effects of cited problems.
The history of the buildings has become an attractive trend through occupants in many nations. Selling at higher price and feeding the curiosity of human nature are some of the reasons which lead them to search through the internet and ask elderly neighbours.
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