IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Multiple studies have shown that the risk of death generally decreased as people walked more. Even though we know that walking has many health benefits, we still select other ways instead of walking in our life. In this essay, I will illustrate the underlying reasons for fewer people walking these days and outline a way in which this issue can be tackled.
It is worth noting that an increasing number of folks, regardless of where they reside, tend to explore the past of the house they currently live in. I firmly believe that people's intrinsic curiosity and concerns about their safety combined are responsible for the phenomenon.
In this contemporary world, the majority of the nations are able to grow economical standards on their countries. wherever people are engaging in more and more industries and they are doing long hours jobs in dad to day activities. While researchers indicated this circumstance becomes advantageous for employers, although it affects disadvantageous for same workers. This essay will focus on what are the positive and negative outcomes of this long hours tasks.
In today's rapid and highly advanced society, spending the most of our time in working has become common place across the globe. I believe the reason of this trend can come down (involve) to two factors that are economic and cultural pressure. Moreover, the phenomenon working for longer hours is certainly unsustainable for both individuals and the entire society.
The teacher is a career which is highly appreciated by society, because of the references of growing up the individuals; that means teachers are the people dedicated to a lot of other people, and may highly impact them. But, in fact, there are more and more people, though this is a job they dream of, or school undergraduates, who refuse to become teachers, especially in secondary school in developed countries. The following essay aims at discussing some causes and feasible solutions to tackle them with relevant examples to support them.
Global warming is one of the most pressing problems in the world nowadays.This issue stems from a lot of factors, and I believe that it could be addressed by several viable solutions with the cooperation of authorities and citizens.
It is increasing in some countries that students tend to choose non-science subjects in university. There are a variety of reasons for this phenomenon, including individual preferences, influences from families and guidance of society. The effects of this trend have been shown negatively on society.
In our society, some people tend to live their whole life without any changes. In particular the area where they were born and raised.I believe, they feel more comfortable in their home town with their own people. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons and pros and cons of this choice.
It has been common that people nowadays to work overtime frequently. In my opinion, the phenomenon is due to the rising living cost and more intensive competition in jobs, which will exert a negative impact on people’s health.
Opinions divide the masses on energy-saving or time-saving forms of commute. In both ways, we have pros and cons. Now we have seen that trends are shifting towards the first method. Justifying any apprehension is a difficult choice to make.
As have been shown, violence in the majority of the playgrounds around the world have been increasing considerably in the last year, but the way the parents are facing this problem remains anything but homogeneous. For some of them, their children should hit back at bullies, for others they should not do it. In this disquisition, I will explicate why I actually agree with the first ones by including examples and my own experience in the topic in order to add color to the explanaition.
The industrial revolution has pushed the world towards the technological era. Advancement in technology has presented in every human’s daily life. This has indicated the majority of the people cannot survive without a mobile phone where it is the main provider of information, location tracker and act as a financial manager in our life. Due to the high popularity of cellular phones, individuals are frequently using automated apps for their daily purchases. This essay will elaborate on the pros and cons of this headway and discuss how its benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
Two years of the pandemic have changed people's behaviours in different aspects. During the pandemic, more and more individuals are willing to accept remote jobs, keep social distance and are keen on their hygiene. Nowadays, the government has started lifting mask mandates, capacity limits and travel restrictions that have encouraged the general public to travel more. However, irrespective of these changes and daily covid reports, do flocks willing to travel overseas or holiday at a countryside cottage in the future? This essay will further elaborate on this argument and provide a personal judgement at the end.
Nowadays, it's a fact that to speak just one language is a shame, thus all the new generation are getting a high interest in international languages. In my ,opinion this is a good sign and we can just encourage even older people to start studying a new language because it is a useful way to invest time and money.
it is believed by some that learners should be taught to raise their concern and criticize while learning in order to upgrade the educational system. However,others find it undesirable and negative move, as it may cause disrespect of teachers and indiscipline in the classroom. Even though, asking doubts without hesitation can somewhere prove troublesome, I completely loud it's overall advantages and favour it.
Undoubtedly, advertisements play a crucial role for various industries in promoting their sales. In accordance with this, few demographics of society feel that companies should be permitted to gather data from their customers without any restrictions, while others feel there should be some limitations implemented. This essay articulates both sides of the argument in the forthcoming paragraphs
In most o countries, the number of people who are interested in exploring the history of the house or building they live in is increasing day by day. In this essay, I will provide why people are doing this kind of thing and also how they dig up the history.
Today, as we can see many people tend to live alone in some cities, this essay will express the advantages and disadvantages of this issue.
Nowadays, the health quality is improving considerably and for this reason the life expectations are getting higher, in other words people is living longer and the society is the responsible to take care of the ancients. This essay will discuss if the society is prepared to do it and the most adequate method to do it.
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