IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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There are many people who work all day and do not spend lots of time getting out and do little or no exercise during the workday. Therefore, it causes health problems such as obesity. This essay will discuss the problems of the issue that include the reason about lazy and busy people and the problem of do not get enough exercise each day. It will suggest that are helpful to overcome this issue.
Recently, with the booming health care technology, the community has to be concerned for the more elderly population. The debate on whether society is able to cope with the increasing number of elderly people has been a concern. In my perspective, the public has the capacity to handle this problem.
The rate of serious crimes has been increasing annually. In order to overcome this relevant social problem, many defend the death penalty instead of alternative measures. Considering that this is a polemic topic, this essay aims to discuss both points of view.
Learning is important for everyone. It is crucial for the kids to gain better knowledge at the academy. As the institute is the primary step for younger ones to achieve success. Due to some bad perceptions about learning, people live academy at an early age. This situation is alarming for the country and the future generation. This attitude should be changed and people must know the significance of learning and its outcomes.
Colour adds beauty to the environment and the planet at large. For centuries, psychologists believe that a person's mood can be altered by a particular colour, hence the need to give special consideration to the types used when beautifying one"s workplace and health facilities. This essay will prove how true it is that colour reflects on an individual's mental state as well as the great lengths it does so.
Since obesity has been a common problem all over the globe, it poses a threat to all people regardless of their ages. There are ample reasons accounted for this and in this essay, I would like to discuss some solutions to solve it.
Publishing the life of renowned personalities is a contentious topic.One section of the society opines that the life of eminent persons must be published by the media.While others believe that everyone must be given the freedom to enjoy their life.Hence,media should either completely put their ban on capturing famous people life or they must put some limits on their practices.However,I will discuss both views in the upcoming paragraphs.
Contrary to the previous phenomenon prevailing in the past, several contributors, especially women becoming the main breadwinners,allow men to take care of the family.Despite the drawback, prompted by the phenomenon more benefits should be mentioned.
As the health sector is establishing day by day, hence it provides advanced facilities which help humans to live longer. Due to this the number of aged people is increased. Society can tackle this through the advanced technologies and government support. I am going to discuss the reasons how this can be achieved.
Families are responsible for their children's health issues with respect to some contagious diseases. Opinions are divided as to whether parents should have the freedom to decide about their kids' immunization or not. In this essay, it is discussed how they can guarantee their children's safety by some preventive actions.
Recently, most people would not have a family reunion every year. This trend is considered as a sign that family bonds are far less substantial than they used to be. In my opinion, there is one main reason for this awkward situation.
Nowadays,many individuals tend to inhabit developed places rather than rustic areas,so they are migrating from one location to another location.because lack of amenities where they are living.In my opinion this is a correct avenue to stay happily without worries.this essay will discuss why this happening and optimistic as well as pessimistic developments.
Nowadays, working overtime than standard hours of work has become popular. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons for this trend and relevant consequences affecting overworked people.
Nowadays, people tend to delay the time of having children more than in the past. The reason could relative to the perspective of social burden and financial problems, and I will discuss the disadvantage of this trend from the aspect of age and nursing problems.
What purpose of learning a foreign language is a topic discussion. Some people believe that learning a foreign language is for travelling and working in a foreign country only, while others think that it is not the only reason to learn a foreign language. In the following paragraphs, both of these views will be discussed.
Some populations believe that the only reason for learning foreign language is in order to they want to travel or get a job overseas. Conversely, other people argued that there are so many reasons that individuals want to learn foreign accents. I completely agree with this statement.
In the cut-throat competitive era,most people are too much busy with their work which leaves them less space to get themselves involved in some recreational activities.As far as my views are concerned,I completely believe that its disadvantages outweigh the advantages.However,I would like to cast light on my views in the upcoming paragraphs.
Today, the harmful effects of smoking on direct smokers and passive ones who breathe cigarette smoke are well-discussed. Many countries have enacted laws to forbid smoking in public places while others do not tend to follow. In this essay, both sides of the discussion will be debated and reach a conclusion.
The controversial topic concerning overweight never fails to attract public attention. Even many people around the world are worried about the increasing number of children who are suffering from the overweight problem. The reason for this phenomenon could be due to lack of activity and a bad diet. That's why increasing awareness among offspring and introducing physical training courses to schools could be considered effective solutions.
Most of the students prefer to avoid choosing discipline subjects at their undergraduate level. This could be impacted by universities' outdated syllabi besides the blurry future of their career. Therefore, aversion to studying education subjects may cause a shortage of employees in the upcoming years. In addition, deteriorating people's quality of activity due to the lack of information development.
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