IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, the health quality is improving considerably and for this reason the life expectations are getting higher, in other words people is living longer and the society is the responsible to take care of the ancients. This essay will discuss if the society is prepared to do it and the most adequate method to do it.
Nowadays, people tend to show their reputation in front of others by spending a lot of money, such as doing massive birthday parties or making expensive weddings with unbelievable amount of cash. I completely disagree to this opinion, even though some people might have different views. However, there are both positive and negative aspects to this opinion. This essay will seek to examine the complex issue.
It's indubitable that immigration has existed in the history of human beings. There are complex factors for individuals who plan to immigrate to other countries. A number of immigrants gradually have a positive impact on society and lead to potential social risks as well. In the following paragraphs, I am going to elaborate on the causes and influence of immigration.
It is very common among humans in the world to know about the history of the infrastructure of homes and buildings that they live.and there are numerous initiatives why they are doing this , In this ,essay i will discuss these phenomena as well as give some examples that how folks can find about the accommodation past.
It is widely acknowledged that most people are perceived the history of their living place, houses or accommodations should be found out. In this essay, the reasons and the way how they research the background of their residences will be clarified in the following paragraph.
Studying with their latest technology in the house or the old way of attending school,what would the students choose in the future? I will choose the way of attending the school and interacting with the teachers and explain with some examples in this essay.
Advancements in technology have led us to explore the world in a more exclusive manner. Recent developments in the field of science make it feasible for scientists and tourists to commute to far-reaching natural habitats such as the South Pole. In this essay, we shall discuss the positive outcomes like exploring nature and unique places to visit as well as some demerits of this enhancement such as exploitation of living conditions and some extreme weather conditions.
Nowadays, climate changes, a dramatic increase in population and obstacles to education are the common problems and unfortunately, every country in the world is facing them. In this essay, I would like to discuss how will my country face some issues in the coming ten years and what steps should be taken to solve them.
In many nations around the world, the role of tourism and several tourist attractions have remarkably contributed to the welfare of the country ,particularly in the financial aspect. However, there are several consequences to be considered and some of them are detrimental. In this essay, I will discuss both the merits and drawbacks as if the majority of them are beneficial.
Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. This will have an effect on our society and the life of the family. The reason, people make this decision, might be found in the change in the economy.
In many parts of the world traffic jams is the most pressing problem in the world. Many people have faced a lot of issues due to traffic congestion such as long waiting hours in the jams. This essay will discuss the solutions to tackle this obstacle. Firstly, it is an essential need to enforce the rules to tackle this issue by making a proper plan. As we have seen, In large cities there are thousands of cars are running on the roads that promote traffic jams for long hours, so reducing a ve...
Some families have their own houses while some others rent them. However, living somewhere whether it’s a house or an apartment is a vital question and in several countries, the number of people who are keen on finding out about the history of their residence increases because of the aura the houses carry in themselves.
A rising number of people prefer driving their own vehicles instead of choosing a bus or a train for their daily travel needs. This is because it is more convenient and time-saving. However, there are a few ways that the government can adopt to encourage people to use more public transport.
House or building people lived in is always a must needed for a person, maybe, for this reason, they appear little notice for us at some particular moment. However, as the development of society and living standards improved, people have the chance to look back at their living house, whether rented or own. There must be several attractive histories waiting for us to discover. Despite man's curiosity to find out stories of buildings, there must be some reasons according to culture and personality.
A great number of our planet's inhabitants are being extincted day by day. The human footprint in this predicament is irrefutable. Although there are many means that human has acselerated animals extinction, governments as the most responsible authorities can prevent its continuity.
Parents placing a high amount of pressure on their offspring has become the most controversial issue facing children in today’s world.Personally, I firmly disagree with this trend as I believe that it has serious consequences in multiple areas for children.
The new type of institute that has recently emerged is a boarding school. It is believed by someone that it is a great choice for students, while others are convinced of the opposite. This essay will discuss both views and argue why boarding schools are not the best option at all.
For past recent years,it has been seen that there is a very low number of students taking science subjects in higher studies.However, there could be many reasons behind this that we will discuss below and some solutions to encourage students to take science in universities.
It is true that there are some people who do not want to live far from their hometown. In this essay, the causes for this phenomenon will be analyzed. Besides that, some advantages and disadvantages should be provided as well.
Like any other country around the world, Bangladesh has been undergoing significant socioeconomic development in the past few years. However, as with any development, there arise several challenges relating to the environment, population, and education, to name a few. The following sections will present a discussion of a variety of challenges that Bangladesh will face in the next ten years, as well as possible solutions.
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