IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Many people are of the opinion that the death penalty is necessary to keep the security system efficient in society. While there are some negative aspects of capital punishment. I acquiesce with the view that without it will become more vulnerable to violence.
Nowadays, there are some students in university or in school who easily get good marks because they tend to pay attention to the teacher but other students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention in school.
The word crime which brings a lot of apprehension with it, is becoming a major threat these days as its rates are on the uphill in most of the cities around the world, particularly among the youth. While, it is important to keep a check on illegal activities. However, in my opinion, it is the complete reformation of today's youth instead that will effectively solve this concern of our time.
Many people nowadays claim that the rate of overweight is increasing in children and adults. With more extremely negative impacts being witnessed due to this phenomenon, it is apt to discuss the causes including sedentary lifestyle and overeating habits. However, changing eating habits and regular physical activity are the most effective ways to reduce the impacts of obesity.
With the help of technological advancement and effective medicare facilities, the life expectancy of people increased to a great extent. Although the boon of that expansion of life has numerous benefits especially wisdom, some drawbacks are there too which lead people to an unbearable situation because of the inability to fight the disease at that age.
Criminal cases by youngsters have risen recently in many places of the world. There are many reasons that cause this issue, such as poverty, lack of education, and environmental influence. This essay will discuss these problems and possible ways to mitigate them.
fitness is the major concern for all nations; however, society is more obese and unfit as compared to the past and it will put several pessimistic effects on future health. this essay will discuss major dilemmas : junk food and unhealthy lifestyle with appropriate solutions like awareness and avoiding outside food.
In today's rapid age of modernization, a person's longevity is increasing thanks to the development of medical treatments. As a result, in a long run, the group of people who are older than 60 years old will make up a large amount of the population, which can lead to a range of social issues relating to their health care. From my perspective, I will elaborate on the reasons why I think that society will come up with possible solutions to tackle this problem.
In the present time, Youngsters have not been taking science stream in colleges in most nations from the last some years. I will try to shed some light on what kind of reasons is behind this concept and what influence locality has to deal with due to this complication in the forthcoming paragraphs.
It is not hard to understand from the locals’ perspective that the overwhelming numbers of tourists have negative impacts on their daily lives. I believe the authorities shall introduce laws to clamp down on certain behaviour from tourists in order to reduce the negative impacts on locals' lives.
Children are more trend towards watching Television’s programs compared with the past that activity base games were more popular. In addition, the dated recreations would have made them more ingenious. I believe, exploring the cause of this problem can assist in finding suitable solutions to resolve that.
In the present time,employees have a portion of the workload of their profession Moreover, they have pressure to accomplish work on unrealistic deadlines. Due to this, Individuals have to deal with a lot of stress. In this essay, I will try to shed some light on what are the major reasons behind why individuals are dealing with stress these days and try to explain the right solution that managers can do to wipe out weight from their team.
Online study is becoming common nowadays, therefore, some universities provide courses on the internet for their students. This is a positive trend, as it is convenient for all students and it is also a cost-effective option. This essay will discuss both ideas in depth in the following paragraphs.
In this modern epoch, It is an irrefutable fact that animal testing plays an integral and indispensable role in medical science.While some people think that is essential, others argue that it should be banned. In my ,opinion I believe that although animal testing causes pain to animals and can also cause death. Overall, testing on animals serves a greater purpose in research and should not be banned
Every country around the globe has poor people in society and they are dealing with poverty in numerous ways. This essay will discuss some of the causes of it and some potential ways to mitigate the problems.
When a new child starts school, he or she is eager to meet friends and teachers in a new environment. On the other hand, there are children who are afraid of such situations. It's hard for them to go to school because they are shy and scared. Some schools offer activities to help students get close to and familiarize themselves with the environment faster, but some schools do not. The school can help new students get along with their classmates through a variety of activities and teachers.
At first, it's clear that students face a lot of challenges when transitioning to new learning environments. It is imperative that the school devise a plan to help new students adjust to their new surroundings as quickly as possible.
A new learning environment can cause students to face a variety of challenges, which they are forced to overcome. In order to help new students adjust quickly, the school should devise strategies.
Most nations do not recycle waste products such as plastics and paper.There are several rationales behind this move,however,this practice often results in the creation of environmental hazards but there is a cure for it.This essay will discuss some of the reasons for garbage neglect and possible mitigation measures.
It is evident that the number of overweight children in developed countries is rising at a significant pace. There are a number of underlying causes for this prominent health concern, a few of which are discussed below.
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