IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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the number of people,who are struggling with being overweight has increased all around the globe,which opts its victim from both adults and also this essay,some radices are explained,while the remedial ideas are uttered too.
Recycling waste material is an important practice that helps to maintain our environment. Many people in some countries, however, do not recycle their rubbish. They often just discard things that can actually be recycled, such as water bottles, cartons, glasses, and newspapers.
there are many different opinions on the best way to solve problems in a big city. the majority of people believe that the authority should encourage citizens to the countryside whereas few believe that the ministry should create policies about living in big cities. I completely agree that the government should advocate providing for the migration of citizens, which I will expand upon this in the following paragraphs.
History is believed to be a crucial and controversial matter as it illustrates the identity of a place or a nation. It is often said that the vast majority of people are becoming curious about their bungalows or flats histories in contemporary countries. It would appear that there are two significant causes and a number of methods for realizing and searching about the history of their houses.
Captivity for animals could be seen as a bad activity for some people however, it gives some advantages in other people's perspectives. Confining an animal means separating them from its family. It could change animal behaviour and life expectation. On the other side, keeping an animal in a cage, like an extinct animal could secure their life existence and generation. In this essay, we will talk about the advantage and disadvantages of imprisoning animals.
It is true that several young children have been imposed countless pressure by their parents. As far as I am concerned, two main reasons such as a situation can be explained and several negative impacts anticipated.
Issues related to smoking have been frequently discussed these days. Even in today's rapid age of modernization, regardless of well-known severe repercussions that might happen by smoking, more and more people are still addicted to cigarettes. In this essay, I will shed some light on the main causes of this behaviour before proposing two possible solutions to tackle this problem.
These days a lot of people have a tendency to discover the history of their living place – house or even building for the different matters. I am going to discuss the reasons for this and find searching meanings.
Obesity in western countries are raised in the recent decades. Overweight children may contribute to serious health problems. In this essay, the reasons and outcomes will be discussed in terms of teenagers' lifestyles and food culture.
Nowadays, more and more undergraduates are attracted by the idea of studying abroad. In my opinion, I firmly believe that this choice is motivated by numerous advantages, such as the opportunity of attending the best schools all around the world. This essay will showcase most of the reasons for this decision.
In recent years, residents have been incredibly concerned about the origin of accommodation.Thus,they tend to investigate the previous house owners to get a clear idea. There are several kinds of reasons behind this. As well as how people can evaluate the facts will be discussed in this essay.
Due to swelling human activities in daily life,blockage of traffic is commonly seen in the most populated cities in the world.although many cities have taken measured to control this growing problem,those steps are not adequate for overcoming this traffic system. this essay will firstly,examine the reasons behind this traffic congestion.secondly, illustrate some feasible solutions.
Increasing advancement in technology in the contemporary world made society's life comfortable in terms of shopping on the internet. Although the community find some trouble while choosing sizes and quality of the products given online, time-saving and ease of items reachability by cutting off fuel cost are way more advantageous than drawbacks.
Undeniably, movies as a way of entertainment gain popularity. As Netflix is taking off, watching movies has become a part of our lives. There are many different genres of films we can select. I prefer foreign movies and depend on my purpose which might be language learning or only for entertainment.
Admittedly, soaring advances in technology have helped people in various aspects. It does help humans shift to their lifestyle in which individual requirement for delicious food has emerged not just to fulfil hanger. It also helps people save much time in food preparation. There are, from my perspective, two principal reasons why this change improves the way people live.
After the massive innovation in all technological aspects ,especially social media and many applications have appeared nowadays , so from its demerits made a lack of culture and knowldege for nations and a plethora of people do not keen to visit the historcial places. In the coming few paragraphs the mjor causes and its solutions will be disscussed clearly.
Recycling materials, such as glass, bottles and cartoons, is an important practice that helps to reduce our impact on the environment. Many people across the world,however do not recycle their waste and send everything to landfills. This essay will discuss why this might be this case and how this problem can be alleviated.
Most young people spent time on work for the welfare of society. Especially, youth from wealthy nations are spending their time educating or helping the neighbourhood in poor countries without taking any pay. This essay will discuss the reasons for young people do so, and how the communities is being benefitted from the help.
It is argued that fume ingestion has a plethora of adverse side effects. However the overwhelming majority of individuals do not pluck up the costume. Many causes are appointed to this as well as communities are called to solve the issue. This essay will shed light on both causes and solutions as well as provide evidence to prove the arguments.
The more societies develop, the more people spend less time with their families. .This problem is caused by many reasons and brings a lot of effects to societies.
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