IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Most people thoughts about using freshwater are one of the rights that they have, but some people strongly believe that there should be a strict law that should be emerged about wise usage of water. There are the limited resources that the entire world has and we should save them. I will discuss both the views and opinions in the below paragraphs.
In the modern ,world people have many problems with their health. One such issue is excess weight. There are a lot of reasons for that unhealthy problem. According to experts, the most common causes are sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy food. However, some people believe that obesity as a diagnosis is higher in wealthy countries. In that case, in this ,essay I will try to give my thoughts to resolve the issue.
Advertising is a way of promoting goods or services to the community. In modern society, many organizations have been promoting their products through advertising. Some people were arguing it is a regular method of emphasis their products are in a different style. This essay will explore what might be the case and express my view in the end.
It is often argued that marriage with the same sex has a negative impact on the community, However, others believe it to be the fundamental right of everyone to choose the partner of their own wish and think of it as completely natural. I stand firm in the favor of gay weddings being legal.
With the flourishing development of society nowadays, the diversity of people’s needs is more and more increasing that lead to a wide range of factories. Some residents believe that the mass manufacturing of products is the main cause, which can destroy the ecosystem. This essay aims to discuss why this development can harm the natural environment and give some solutions to cope with this issue.
Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people who are keen on exploring the origin of their current accommodation. There are several causes behind this trend, which is approached in different ways.
Owing to human exercise, Several species of savage creatures are struggling to survive. It is a burning issue and has increased at an alarming rate. Enormous wild animals are on the brink of destruction, and other's are endangered. Apparently, modernization and westernization are to be blamed for this phenomenon. However, it can be cleverly eradicated provided a slew of remedial measures are taken up.
The history of the places we live in can be astonishing for many of us. This phenomenon can be encountered in a lot of countries, especially where many key historical events took place. There are several causes underlying the occurrence and ways to unveil the mystery.
Issues related to aid provided by voluntary organisations are frequently being discussed these days. Growing concerns are becoming heated questions among the people that such groups should help the needy of their own country. While this view is rubbished by some critics who oppose it. Both sides have their logic to support their opinion which will be discussed in this dissertation before coming to any conclusion.
It is always said that humans' hindrances are increasing with the growing age numbers. The shift in life phases also brings changes in our mode of thinking and the perception of the outside world. The difficulties are inflating, undoubtedly, with the passing time for reasons that are mentioned in the following paragraph.
These days, there is an ongoing debate about there ought to be restrictions for a person who makes a loud noise . It is possible to claim that others disagree. In my opinion, I think disadvantages outweigh advantages. This essay will examine the advantages and some disadvantages of law.
People have different views about how can single-gender educations is the best way of schooling. While some persons argue that it would be better for pupils to be disciplined in mixed-gender schools .In my opinion, I believe that children should be educated in a co-education system .
In the past years, there are a growing number of people who have anti-social behaviour. From this problem, it can be seen that there are two major causes for this mental disorder, environmental factors and genetic. The practical solution is to have cooperation from the patient with the medical treatments to fix this out.
International organisations and countries around the world are trying as much as possible to eliminate poverty. As a matter of fact, each nation has different means of dealing with the less fortunate. Some of the key reasons I will discuss are marginalization and poor governance. In order to address this issue, historical injustices must be tackled by all means.
In recent years, a large pool of people transferring to another country more than they were in the past. Some people argue that expatriates should abandon their culture and adapt to new ones. From my perspective, I am partly agreed with the argument, but I am also convicted that cultural diversity plays a vital role in many nations.
The fact that every country has poor people is very disheartening. Regardless, every country has different ways of dealing with the impoverished. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons that cause poverty and things that need to be done to help the needy.
Nowadays , many companies use advertisements to sell their products . While some people believe that this way of commerce motivate a person to buy useless amount . Others claim that it helps them to have more information about brands. I take the view that in most cases advertisement has beneficial advantages customers.
Concentrating on lessons is one of the most common problems for a lot of pupils at schools. There are some reasons why is this happening and also the solutions for them which will be discussed in this essay.
One fact which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that water resources around the world have been decreasing rapidly. This essay will discuss reasons for such deficiency including, the growing population and mining. This dissertation will also discuss the solutions for this fall including, awareness programs and the imposition of taxes on the usage of water.
Elderly people are not able to do more often workouts even after being instructed by a health advisor. There are many factors in considerations to be taken into account. This essay will focus on its causes and possible solutions.
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