IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Nowadays many students prefer to travel and work somewhere after completing school instead of applying to the university directly. While there are many benefits of this such as exposure to the real world and the opportunity to grow one’s professional network, there are certain drawbacks too. In this essay, I will discuss both the pros and the cons along with relevant examples.
It is a significant trend that several people as firm believers want to figure out the story of their accommodations. This trust is generally happening in any part of the world due to emotions such as interest or suspect that their own home has beautiful or horror histories.
Of late overseas touristry has been a prevailing concern in a significant part of the world. As most of mankind believe that tourism has myriad negative consequences. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will elucidate the possible reasons for favouring this ideology and propose a handful of remedial measures for the same.
Sugar-based beverage consumption has become ubiquitous in today’s society. The following essay will analyze the culprits and the measures to address this trend.
Sugar-based beverage consumption has become ubiquitous in today’s society. This essay will analyze the culprits and the measures to address this trend.
It has been said that nowadays infants prefer to spend time inside their houses playing video games or watching TV than socializing outside with other kids and exploring the world by themselves. There are plenty of problems attributable to the situation that perhaps are not noticeable when they are young but as they grow they can experience some social interaction problems as well as the lack of problem-solving skills necessary for their adulthood. This essay will assess the main drawbacks of the reduction in time that they spend outside and suggest some possible solutions to overcome them.
Drink pollution is very bad for both human society and animal life. Contamination of streams, ponds and marines are individuals worry, as they look for ways to secure the surroundings from this. This essay will first suggest fertilizers and pesticides as the key elements that bring about pollution of water and then state that poisoning and sickness are the impacts it has on the community.
Nowadays, there is an increasing concern that many people have problems with sleep and they have to cope with insomnia very often. In this essay, I will explore the main reasons for this serious health issue and suggest solutions that can help to mitigate this problem or eliminate it.
Consumption of sugary drinks is increasing every day even though are unhealthy. The main reason for this is the way they are advertised. Therefore, agencies should mention the harmful effects of these drinks on human health in their advertisements, so people should know what they are choosing.
It is undeniable that education plays a vital role in the character formation of an individual. Several people believe that top-rated schools are necessary for the socialization of children while others opine that learning from home is helpful to mould a child's character. I would consider in detail both sides of the argument before expressing my view.
Nowadays, there is an increase in the trend of owning money from banks in order to receive their desire, although they do not necessarily need it on a daily basis. This essay conveys the compelling reason for this action of those people. In addition, suggestions are offered to tackle the aforementioned issue.
In recent decades, more teenagers have engaged in criminal movements, which puts pressure on society. This essay will look at some primary causes of this and offer some possible solutions to the problem.
Opinions of people with regards to education have transformed dramatically in recent times. Although few argue that schooling in an elite institution moulds their children better, there are others who firmly reinstate the need for home learning. According to me, a socialised environment helps to keep them on the right track when compared to the latter. In this essay, firstly, I will elaborate on ideas of common education and secondly, on home coaching.
In today’s world, a lot of people do not really take care of themself lately. During the covid 19 and we’re all in lockdown beside, all the gyms or parks where people usually go for
It is significant to note that, many people spend their entire adulthood for their professions while work-related satisfaction doing significant involvement in their social and personal development. Hence, Higher wages and necessary promotion of their positions may be key factors for this satisfaction while some groups of the labour force suffering a lack of satisfaction from their companies. I will express both views with my relevant experience in this essay.
The urban population has been rapidly growing over the last few decades and this has led to the traffic problem in some cities. This essay will investigate the reasons for traffic congestion in cities and the ways of improving this scenario in the modern metropolis.
The urban population has been constantly growing over the last few decades and this has led to crowding in some cities. This essay will investigate the reasons for overcrowding in cities and the ways of improving life quality in the modern metropolis.
The majority of the people these days follow a poor diet and do not participate in physical activities. There are several factors behind this including giving more priority to work and this can be overcome by including healthy habits slowly in their lifestyle.
There is a strong argument in society about being successful. Although some believe that people who leave early school will be more successful, others believe achievement does not depend on that situation.
There is a dominant trend that girls are willing to study arts and boys have more tendency to science subjects. This essay will discuss the main reasons of this issue and propose a logical conclusion.
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