IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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One fact which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that water resources around the world have been decreasing rapidly. This essay will discuss reasons for such deficiency including, the growing population and mining. This dissertation will also discuss the solutions for this fall including, awareness programs and the imposition of taxes on the usage of water.
Elderly people are not able to do more often workouts even after being instructed by a health advisor. There are many factors in considerations to be taken into account. This essay will focus on its causes and possible solutions.
These days, one of the most pressing issues is animals associated with the ecosystem. It is said that numbers of endangered and extinct species have been increasing over recent years. Although both of these situations are serious problems, I believe that there are viable solutions.
The world is changing a lot than the previous time, and people's living standards are improving. Therefore, many people choose to live differently versus their parents, and marrying lately or having children later is different. There are some reasons to lead this phenomenon and also bring the adverse effect to society.
It is true that tourism is booming and cross-country travel has played an important role in the development of a country. However, there is a growing concern about the detrimental effects of the travel industry on the local inhabitants and the natural surrounding. In this essay, I will explore the pros and cons of travelling to another country and try to draw some conclusions.
Anger issues have become quite prominent among adults these days. There are many factors in consideration to be considered. I will go through them in this essay and will also provide a solution to this problem.
In this era of modernisation, various forms of cards are widely accepted to pay the amount and the use is way higher than that of cash. This essay will elaborate on the pros and cons of this such as, convenience and feasibility is more as far as cards are concerned but safety is always a concern behind them.
Most parents today make their children work immensely hard and put a huge amount of strain on them for achieving a successful career. I believe the growing competition in enrolling their kids to reputed colleges is the primary reason behind this, and this is a negative development because it hampers the overall growth of adolescence.
Whether the proportion of poverty is increasing globally or not is a matter of contention. Although many people assert that the problem of poverty must inevitably be tackled. There are many reasons that have contributed immensely to poverty such as inflation, corruption and unemployment.
In this modern-day society, ordering things through online platforms more becoming more common as the internet provides various benefits to humans’ lives. I personally believe that the positive impacts of online shopping undermine its negative sides.
In this modern-day society, ordering things through online platforms becoming more common as the internet providing various benefits to humans’ lives nowadays. In this essay, I will explain why the merits of online shopping outweigh the drawbacks.
In other parts of the world, more individuals are become more curious in acquiring knowledge regarding the history of houses or buildings they are residing in. In this essay, I will be discussing the major reason why this is the case as well as methods on how to obtain such.
It is undoubtedly true that the tourism industry is booming and cross-country travel is playing a vital role in the socio-economic development of these tourist destinations. While there has been growing concern about the adverse effects on the travel industry on the surroundings and local people. However, this essay discusses the merits and demerits of this trend for the following reasons.
In some parts of the ,world one of the main reasons for increasing public health problems happens to be obesity.This health situation is extremely bad and can lead to further complications if not controlled at the right time.
The trend of purchasing products online has increased over the period of time, various modalities can be obtained with the tap of our fingers. Customers these days are reliant on various social media platforms to buy stuff than personally go shopping as it saves their time, and also is efficient instead of walking to ten different stores. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of this type of shopping and prove why it is more advantageous through relevant examples.
Youngsters play an important role in society’s development and to protect their traditional values. In recent days, young adults are not polite and do not respect others when compared to the past. There are two reasons, such as, lack of parental guidance and more media exposure. This can be solved in two ways and this essay will explain those in detail.
Homelessness is defined as a situation in which a person does not possess a place to live and earnings to meet the essential needs such as food and clothes. Some people put the whole blame on the homeless. However, this issue has both internal and external reasons that would be discussed in this essay.
The number of animals that are becoming endangered is continuously rising. This essay will discuss the root causes of this problem including poaching and inappropriate laws of the country, and will also suggest the way out from this that are mainly: punishing an individual & enablement stricter laws in the country.
In recent times, medical institutions have incorporated technology to improve the quality of care. As part of this trend, people consult with their doctors online instead of seeing them face-to-face. This is because of the convenience that it provides and there are some negative consequences for care-receivers.
Nowadays, people have been researched details of their buildings or apartment in some states because of some reasons I describe now and recommend some way to research this.
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