IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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In the technological era, humans are finding it difficult to prove their efficiency against machines. The future of drivers, cashiers, phone operators and journalists is in danger due to technological advancement. In addition, the problems caused by the emergence of automation will be discussed.
Many individuals today would rather seek out medical advice themselves instead of seeing a licensed professional. In my opinion, this is a result of online convenience and it is a positive development on the whole.
Nowadays, purchasing product from an online store has become extremely popular, fewer consumers are willing to go shopping in a conventional shopping centre. This new form of shopping has many advantages and drawbacks that worthy of mention.
In the globalization era, the usage of the internet is constantly on the rise. Because of this, several individuals tend to avoid a hospital and solve their health problems by searching for some advice. In this essay, the causes and the effects of this issue will be presented before the conclusion is reached.
Although there is a number of achievements made in the agriculture sector yet hunger is still the biggest issue of the public all around the world. This problem arises due to the middlemen taking a big chunk of profit by purchasing the produce at extremely low prices from farmers and later selling them at higher prices and the best solution is to establish a system where farmers can directly sell their yield to people.
In this contemporary era, It is believed that most of the pupil finds it difficult to focus in the educational institutes. This essay will discuss a couple of reasons and will also suggest some suggestions to solve this problem.
Wildlife protection has become one of the main concerns of individuals around the globe. Whilst some people assert that caging animals in zoos could be a solution to preserve the biodiversity issues, others find it illogical to restrict animal's movements. Both views need to be addressed before formulating an opinion.
In the modern ,world people try to do their best in their jobs by striving hard.The reason being ,the need to get promotions or increment in their salaries.However, since there will be a negative impact on their personal life, employers need to take few steps not to overburden the employees.This essay shall discuss the reasons for working too hard and what measures management should take to prevent overworking.
Examine the arguments in favour of and against animal experiments, and come to a conclusion on this issue. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. You should write at least 250 words.
Of late, most of the children have a hectic lifestyle and they spend more time with technology despite social activities. Related to this, a question arises that it is a liability or an asset for society. I will discuss its pros and cons in the subsequent paragraph.
Astrology has some effects on our society and many people believe in this type of activity. Particularly, psychologists have a belief system in the colours and their psychological effect on people's behaviour. Because of this reason, some think that buildings for work and treatment purposes should be given special colours. I think this is partially true as colours have a positive impact at a certain level and it has proven by science as well.
A Wealthy person is one who is very healthy. To become fit, people have to maintain a good diet and work out and the most important thing is to avoid stress. Nowadays, people are more cautious about their health in order to be fit. I will give some supporting points in this essay.
Internet is a major revolution in modern day technology. Buying things online has become one of the most crucial aspects of the internet. Every year the number of people shopping online has significantly increased. In this essay, we will discuss the pros and cons of purchasing online.
It is true that online shopping is becoming more and more trendy, thus people tend to buy things such as various tickets, food ingredient, etc. through the internet. Although E-commerce would be convenient, I do think internet fraud, insecure quality of goods or even delay in delivery as the main disadvantages overweigh the positive aspect.
With the advent of the internet and social media, many celebrities are more famous than before. Indeed, many celebrities gain hefty salaries than many professionals, including politicians. In this essay, I will examine a few points regarding this phenomenon and outline why I feel that this is a positive development.
Some countries have been so populated resulting in a lack of natural environment, while other areas are still under-developed, thus require provisions through housing and industrial improvement. This essay will show the current situation of my homeland which includes these two scenarios.
It is irrefutable that today's children are policymakers of the future. In few nations of Europe, some teenagers go to school to gain life experience so that they can easily get jobs once they finish their education. There are others, who learn in the schools only and complete their elementary studies. The upcoming paragraphs will shed a light on the steps which should be taken by the schools to groom their students for the real world of job.
People of these modern days tend to buy unnecessary kinds of stuff which lead them to get into horrible debts. In this essay, I will show the causes of such behaviour and the ways on how to avoid earning more owed money in the future.
Recently, countries are divided over the issue related to the impact of regulations on governing a child attitude. There are some who believes that children should follow strict practice guidelines, whereas others feel that they should remain a free bird and act according to their whims and fancies. This essay concurs with the former idea as it helps in building their character and keep them on the right path. In the essay, both the points will not only be discussed in greater details, but also supported with necessary examples.
There is a common saying that 'Health is Wealth', and people who give attention to their health tends to remain active. In my opinion, staying fit will increase a person's productivity on a daily basis.
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