IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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In this contemporary world, metropolises have been becoming extremely modern in every aspect of life and nowadays the young generation, who live in rural areas, more tend to migrate to advanced cities with looking forward to getting great study and a high salary job. While this event has more advantages to compare with disadvantages.
In the last decade, the introduction of malls in cities has affected the behaviour of the people to a large extent. Now, shopping malls attract the masses to spend their luxury time in plazas rather than pursuing their hobbies. There are various reasons attached to it, and this is more of a negative development rather than positive.
At the present time, due to the development of the entertainment industry and digital technologies, celebrities can earn higher salaries than politicians. There are some positives and negatives of celebrities earn more money than politicians. In this essay, I will examine what are the reasons and discuss the good points and bad points about this topic.
Nowadays, online shopping has become part of our daily routine. E-commerce is much desired rather than traditional shopping whether it deals with publication, travelling tickets or household items. There are severe drawbacks too, but benefits availed by this sort of shopping procedure overweigh its limitations. We will discuss the benefits and detriment of online shopping in detail.
In recent decades, in many countries, some adolescents choose to leave their parents' home immediately after finishing school curriculum and like to stay alone on their own or share with some peers. Some people believe that this is not a positive development. However, I think it is beneficial for the teenagers who decide to live outside of their home
In recent decades witnesses an increasing number of private vehicles on roads. To control governments can impose higher taxes on car owners and the collection of this tax can be utilised to improve public commuting services. In this essay, I will discuss related advantages and disadvantages with this solution.
Imprisonment as an ultimate form of punishment for committing a crime has been debated by many social scientists and experts during the last decade. Some people believe that incarceration should be the only way to punish criminals since it isolates offenders from the rest. Personally, I cannot entirely agree with this statement, and the reasons for my judgement will be provided below.
Nowadays, tourism has become a trend and every year many tourists visit international spots to spend their quality time and relax from work. Many tourist places have great benefits from these travellers and it helps to boost the economy of that nation. However, there are some negative impacts on our society and environment due to tourism. Personally, I believe that there are more benefits to the drawback of tourism.
The latest statistics show that while opting for subjects at the tertiary level, the count of students choosing science subjects is not enough globally. This trend is being emerged from science study requires higher expenses followed by a lot of hard work, and as a result, the human race is having a shortage of doctors, researchers, or technology professionals.
One stop solution in becoming the new key point for shoppers. People prefer to shop all essentials from the massive shopping hub and mal1s and it tends to close regular tiny retail stores. I believe It Is Positive Development. The following essay will elaborate the impact of giving situation.
These days an increasing number of works are annoying and schedules are extended.There are a number of reasons of this issue, but also some straightforward measures we can take to ameliorate the situation.
In our modern society, the trend of moving to the cities to search for the employment or education by the younger generation has become a matter of discussion for many. Personally, I believe that the positive aspects of this change surpass the negative points. In my opinion, the main reasons behind this tendency are better job opportunities and living standards. In this essay, I shall critically examine the both points of view and outline relevant examples.
Jogging has been known as one of the best exercises since ancient era. However, people these days do not prefer walking.This essay will discuss reasons behind this trend, such as excessive use of transportation and unawareness among people about its benefits, as well as suggested possible solutions.
Some people think that television has got a crucial importance for people who want to utilize it as an educational tool while others are of the opinion are using it irreparable harm. I think there is some truth in both views as well as reasons will be given below.
Nowadays, celebrity personalities are famous in their flashy lifestyle. Comparing to veteran ministers earnings, pop stars in certain countries earn staggeringly high. In my opinion, obviously fame has given wealth to celebrities which is a negative impression.
A government, whether it is democratic or republic, should aim on the good will of their citizens, have vision to fulfil and responsibilities to carry on. Thus, economic headway is the key to success for a prosperous future. Many, including the regime think that, the priority should be given to ensure the promotion of economy while others disagree with this notion and opine that they should focus its efforts on the progress of the less privileged. In this essay, we can discuss both sides.
It is a bitter truth that a lot of people suffering with excruciating health issues such as high blood pressure and cholesterol are increasing due to obesity. There are myriad reasons behind this deplorable trend. This essay will discuss the most important causes and propose some suggestions to overcome this trend.
Previously, professors could give lessons to a certain number of people, who study at University, in one auditorium. With the noticeably increasing of opportunities of telecommunications, there is a difficulty in justifying the cause to take part in the lessons physically and not through the network.
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