IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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It is asserted that in the present generation, youth has become impolite and less respectful as compared to past generations. This essay will intend to examine the reasons behind it as well as some measures in the upcoming paragraphs.
In the present scenario, most of the people prefer to handle old items, commodities instead of buying new items. This essay will intend to examine the reasons behind this trend in upcoming paragraph. From my perspective, to need old goods is the positive development because it will be helpful to save money and a lot of sources which is used to make new products.
In modern society the crime rate is rising with an enormous speed.Thus to have a reduced crime rate there is an argument among the folks that there should death penalty while some people believe that there should be life long sentence.This essay will discuss on both approaches in following paragraph.
Switching of job has become a recent trend in the contemporary work culture. Many individuals prefer changing jobs due to global opportunities and higher packages. In my opinion, the positives of the above statement clearly outweigh the negatives.
In this advance era, to learn foreign languages is becoming increasingly popular due to some reasons. Some folks consider that it is essential to know the new language for travelling and to work in the abroad. However, others do not agree with that, because they think that there are other valid causes behind it. This essay will discuss more reasons for this.
It is irrefutable that ambitions play an integral role in people live who have dared to dream it. In my opinion, hard work and determination to achieve set goals is the imperative cause of it, and being ambitious is a positive development as it not only prevents them from distracting their mind on other things but keeps them motivated.
Some argue that it is not a good thing to have ambition in one’s life. I, however, agree with those who think that being ambitious is a positive thing as it pushes the person to achieve it with hard work and keeps them focus and motivated
With the advancement of this era, the people's necessities are increasing day-by-day. However, the chunk of the folks prefers to buy those things, which they even do not need or they might not afford them. This essay will discuss that how the interest in having new things and to remain the social position among the world, are participating in the terms to increase this problem. This essay will also explain that how the government should maintain the limits to set the equality among all.
Today, many of the people are migrating to several countries for the different reasons. Such of the reasons can be either with finding a job or to do their studies.There are many benefits of this statement and also has its pros. Because, people who living in the abroad also face to the same difficulties.Therefore, following this essay will explain my viewpoints in detail and reach to a conclusion.
Eating meals together is usual practice for many families.However, this tradition is diminishing nowadays. This essay will discuss the main reasons of this situation, including globalization and extended working hours. This essay will also discuss the impact of this problem, including declining family ethics and disrespecting elders.
Hats off to the digitalised world changed with the advancement of the technology. With the ability to use communication methods like email, messaging and group calls effectively, the companies started off with working from the flexibility of the home strategy to increase its development. In this essay, I will further illustrate as to how this can be crucial for its growth.
In today's world, it's plausible for scientists and tourists go to places, natural environments that are off the beaten track, such as the south pole. This essay will discuss the advantages such as knowing the lifestyle and sight-seeing in these areas. It will also elaborate on the disadvantages of low chances of survival and lack of edibles.
It is seen in some cultures that there is an increasing trend of people who are opting to stay alone. The prime reason for this way of living is because it gives an individual a lot more freedom. In my opinion, this is a positive sign as it makes a person responsible.
While some people believe that immigration should be limited, restricted or banned in some cases, others think that relocating is a healthy phenomenon that should not be restricted with any limits. I completely agree with the latter opinion, and this essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of this such incident.
Business is becoming increasingly popular. A number of the community, believe that it is good to initiate their own work rather than doing a job in any company. This essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and show that, indeed initiating own business is superior than working for any organization.
In the present scenario, compelling children to be successful in a certain career by parents are becoming common. In my opinion, lives of children who are under constant pressure often ends up as a failure.
In some countries they are opting for a healthy life by taking up exercises and walking as the daily routine while in another, people are seeming becoming increasingly reluctant to have a walk regularly. As there are certain causes of such a trend, some solutions are also available to urge people to walk more. I will substantiate my opinion below in the paragraphs with some relevant examples
Obesity is becoming a common major health issue. Worldwide, different nations is facing this issue because it is becoming increasingly popular among the youngster and elders. This essay will discuss the reasons why this is happening and put forward several solutions for this issue.
In this day and age, individuals are benefited to task flexibly and to relocate at desired location all over the globe; this is because of the advancement in intercourse technology and travel. In my perception, the disadvantages of job flexibility are overshadowed by its advantage.
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