IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Nowadays, many countries are facing a decline in the number of medical graduates and postgraduates in which difficulty level of this stream and expensiveness of science related courses is the preliminary contributors. As a result, it can deprive the humanity from medical professionals as well as the advanced scientific researches that are extremely necessary.
It is true that the traditional family mealtime is becoming a thing of the past. Several reasons could explain why this pattern of behaviour is changing and it can have some adverse impacts on family life and health.
Ever since we realised our powers to harness nature, we have started utilising it to make our life comfortable and more convenient. However, we then began to over utilise this authority and damage ecology to an extent that is catastrophic for the entire human race. Global warming and environmental pollutions are threatening our very existence on this planet and yet we are neglecting our obligations to protect the natural habitat primarily because we fail to realise the real consequences of it and believe that it can be dealt with in the future.
In the ultra-modern era, it is a fact that, because of human action on land and on ocean species of animals are exterminated. Even though there are several reasons for this situation; however, in order to find an explanation, it is first of all necessary to understand what has led to this happening. This essay will examine two aspects: causes of the above-mentioned situation and appropriate result.
It is often argued that online reading materials ought to be exercised for a child in order to review to read. One the other hand, some people feel that printed paper is great.This essay will discuss about both sides.But I strongly believe that printed material is convenient to use for children.
Much worldwide painstaking research has shown that the mass of offenders is inclined to re-commit after rehabilitation. This essay would make an attempt to shed some light on several underlying factors behind this dire tendency before outlining a range of feasible remedies to address it.
Today's extravagant matrimonial ceremonies is one of the conspicuous trends among the youngsters compare to past decades. Notwithstanding, this discourse delves into the rationale behind this unfortunate occurrence, and subsequently, will explore why it is not a favourable evolution.
It is believed that the environment has been contaminated by a large variety causes for people. This essay will look at some primary causes of this and offer some possible solutions to this problem
There is no doubt that information technology is affecting our lives in a number of ways. While some believe that computer technology has its drawbacks, I would argue that information technology is nothing but a gift to humankind.
Nowadays, many people are busy in showing off and upgrading their social status which leads them to buy unnecessary things which they may not be in proper use. The solution to this problem is discussed in this essay.
Nowadays sugar-based drinks are spread worldwide, as the number of people tending to have them is rising up sharply. Although there are numerous factors people face on a daily basis that impact this habit, there are also a few solutions that may decrease the number of people consuming soft drinks.
There is no doubt that meal preparation has become easier for us due to the latest technological advancements, and this has impacted our lives too. This essay shall discuss how these changes have improved our living styles.
There is no doubt that meal preparation has become easier for us due to the latest technological advancements, and this has impacted our lives too. This essay shall discuss how these changes have ameliorated our living styles.
It is undeniable that youth, nowadays, tend to change their lifestyle after schooling age. It seems likely that, in many places around the world, students leave their families after they graduate from school, either to live solely or with their friends. In my own view, this can be considered as a positive development, as living outside the family can develop youngsters’ self-dependance and communication skills.
Nowadays, the reasons of world poverty and how the countries dealing with is a very commonly discussed topic worldwide. Some people assert that many countries do not care about the poverty because they earn money with. Whilst, others maintain that the income distribution, lack of opportunities and lack of investments in development are the main causes of the social inequality in the majority of countries.
Many people are of the opinion that sending their children to school results in improving their social skills, whereas others think that schooling at home might be the best. Firstly, this essay will explain that why educational institutions are good for children, and secondly, it will describe why teaching children at home is a good alternative.
Nowadays, air pollution is worsening especially in the urban cities. I believe, increase amount of private vehicles and growing populations are the main reasons of the said issues. On the other hand government and individuals could give solution to prevent further damage to the environment. In this essay will tackle the cause and solutions to the problem.
In recent years, there is a noticeable movement for the majority of people who endeavour to live away overseas, besides, some countries open the doors for people freely while others put restrictions to control the situation, in this essay I will elaborate the pros and cons to travelling freely between countries.
In this day and age, concerns are high about an accelerating rate of international tourist arrivals which has negative effects on many countries. This essay will analyse the origin of this phenomenon and will provide certain solutions to tackle this problem.
Physical health proves to be a crucial matter with which many societies have been dealing in the past few years. There has currently been an outstanding forward movement in the degree of medical services, yet the health sate of developed societies' members has been deteriorating progressively. In this essay, I will examine several reasons heading into it and some measures should be done to tackle such problems mentioned above.
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