IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Modernisation has served the world with gradual improvement in lifestyle, eventually decimating family bonding. So, it is an established notion that nowadays family attachment is shallower contrary to past. This is mainly because of; quest for quality education and a secure job, as well as increasing use of mobile phone technology, which can be recuperated in many ways, which we will discuss here in this essay.
Nowadays, members, who are in a family, do not usually spend time to have traditional meals together so family meals are gradually disappearing because adults have to face the fast pace of life and the younger members have a massive amount of homework. It massively impacts the distance between family members.
There is no doubt that crime is accelerating at a fast pace in most of the countries, and the main reason behind this is lack of education and unemployment. However, possible solutions would be to provide free education and create more job opportunities.
Punishment is essential when anyone does the crime. All countries have various types of punishments ranging from imprisonment to legalized killing. Capital punishment or to keep the convicted person in a prison for lifetime for terrible crime is a debatable issue. I will discuss both the viewpoints and give my opinion in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, poverty is a common topic discussed worldwide, people assert that those countries need to be more assisted by the others, and especially poor people require urgently help and basic conditions to live. This essay points out how the rich countries and influence celebrities could assist it.
These days, most people in the world are not as fit, healthy and fine as they were in the past, and also, an encounter with many diseases related to health. This is mainly due to lack of exercise and over consumption of fast food. However, in order to solve these problems, one should do small exercise and avoid eating such harmful food.
Nowadays it is quite common to see that a large number of students from different countries do not prefer to adopt medical and technological streams at tertiary education level. This essay will argue that many students feel inconvenient to cope up with the challenges arises in such fields, and this behaviour has a bad as well as good impact on our society.
Through the ages, people had always fought for equality and liberty. In recent times, it is observed that more individuals are comfortable in living alone rather marrying and raising children. The relative pros and cons of people living independently is a matter of discussion. In the following paragraphs, this essay argues that this trend could have both positive and negative consequences in equal measure.
It has been observed that individuals who often leave their schools in the early years are more likely to be successful as compared to those who complete their graduation. This essay will discuss the reasons which motivate uneducated people to achieve success in their life and will suggest the requirements to accomplish pre-requisite goals.
In the modern era, the issue of the public’s safe has become highly controversial. There are those who say that people do not perceive safe at home and outside, however, others believe that it should not. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the arguments and provide some solutions.
It is asserted that in the present generation, youth has become impolite and less respectful as compared to past generations. This essay will intend to examine the reasons behind it as well as some measures in the upcoming paragraphs.
In the present scenario, most of the people prefer to handle old items, commodities instead of buying new items. This essay will intend to examine the reasons behind this trend in upcoming paragraph. From my perspective, to need old goods is the positive development because it will be helpful to save money and a lot of sources which is used to make new products.
In modern society the crime rate is rising with an enormous speed.Thus to have a reduced crime rate there is an argument among the folks that there should death penalty while some people believe that there should be life long sentence.This essay will discuss on both approaches in following paragraph.
Switching of job has become a recent trend in the contemporary work culture. Many individuals prefer changing jobs due to global opportunities and higher packages. In my opinion, the positives of the above statement clearly outweigh the negatives.
In this advance era, to learn foreign languages is becoming increasingly popular due to some reasons. Some folks consider that it is essential to know the new language for travelling and to work in the abroad. However, others do not agree with that, because they think that there are other valid causes behind it. This essay will discuss more reasons for this.
It is irrefutable that ambitions play an integral role in people live who have dared to dream it. In my opinion, hard work and determination to achieve set goals is the imperative cause of it, and being ambitious is a positive development as it not only prevents them from distracting their mind on other things but keeps them motivated.
Some argue that it is not a good thing to have ambition in one’s life. I, however, agree with those who think that being ambitious is a positive thing as it pushes the person to achieve it with hard work and keeps them focus and motivated
With the advancement of this era, the people's necessities are increasing day-by-day. However, the chunk of the folks prefers to buy those things, which they even do not need or they might not afford them. This essay will discuss that how the interest in having new things and to remain the social position among the world, are participating in the terms to increase this problem. This essay will also explain that how the government should maintain the limits to set the equality among all.
Today, many of the people are migrating to several countries for the different reasons. Such of the reasons can be either with finding a job or to do their studies.There are many benefits of this statement and also has its pros. Because, people who living in the abroad also face to the same difficulties.Therefore, following this essay will explain my viewpoints in detail and reach to a conclusion.
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