IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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In this day and age, it is generally accepted that luminaries's income is vastly higher than politicians accounting for their reputation.From my point of view, I consider it as a positive development in this society.
Our world has witnessed the increasing in the number of people who use languages such as Chinese, Spanish, American while the other languages are being less common. I personally suppose that this trend would create certain benefits, but there will be some drawbacks.
Environmental concerns around the globe are rapidly growing. Although some environmental analysts are suggesting ways to counter the problems, no improvements are observed. This essay will discuss some reasons why this is happening and suggest some effective solutions to resolve these issues.
Nowadays, environmental situation all around the world is deteriorating and the main reason for this is human activities. Nevertheless, country, activists and volunteers all around the world are making every endeavour to protect surrounding from destroying, their efforts are not enough, because individuals have the major role in achieving multilateral solutions to global problems.
Scientists believe that colour could influence people's feelings. Therefore, many people think that we may provide some colour schemes for decorating places, such as hospitals or offices. Although the first reaction to some people is to oppose such claims. Nevertheless, there are persuasive reasons to agree with this statement. In the following paragraphs, there are several perspectives to discuss this issue more in-depth.
When finishing school, many people argue that university or college is the best way to step onto the career ladder, whereas others believe joining the workforce is a better option. While there are benefits to seek employment immediately, there are also advantages to pursue higher education.
Physical exercises play a vital role to remain fit and live a healthy life. These activities improve blood circulation in the body. According to health professionals, Footslog is the best way to maintain health. But from the past few years, people have quit it completely. So, I shall discuss the reasons behind this also give some solutions to sort out this obstacle.
Nowadays, the advancement of technology and changes in lifestyles leads to many health related problems. It is a bitter truth that lots of people are suffering from the serious diseases like blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes Etcetera, due to fat. I shall discuss the reasons, why overweight people are increasing? And also give some solutions to tackle this problem in the upcoming paragraphs.
The growing trend among people to relocate to other countries has become a matter of discussion for many. I believe there are several possible reasons behind this change. In this essay, I shall outline the causes for this development and analyse the consequences that this will have on everyone.
Nowadays, it is argued which one is the right way to succeed, getting a job after the school or continuing the studies at a university or a college. I believe, that studying at a university is the best choice to have a successful career.
There is no doubt that, travelling has now become a trend among the masses, and most of the individuals are going for an excursion at an increased rate. There are several reasons for this, such as the growth in the transport facilities and the technological advancement. This will have enormous advantages for travellers such as exploring themselves and the beauty lying in the lap of the nature.
There is no doubt that, travelling has now become a trend among the masses, and most of the individuals are going for an excursion at an increased rate. There are several reasons for this, such as the advancement in the transport facilities and the technological growth. This will have enormous advantages for travellers such as exploring themselves and the beauty lying in the lap of the nature.
It is true that the health sate of developed societies' members has been deteriorating, regardless of the outstanding progress in the medical field and health services. While the origin of that problem comes from some existing harmful factors, there are still relevant prompt actions that the whole societies should realize in order to at least address that issue.
In recent years, the world has been faced with the issue of atmospheric deterioration. This a challenging problem is mostly caused by deforestation of plant life and the use of fossil fuel as a major source of energy. Solutions such as afforestation and the use of electricity and solar energy can replace the use of fossil fuel to produce clean and healthy air.
In the recent few decades, communication media has changed a lot in spreading information across the world and most preponderant communication mediums are books, films, and television. In my view, there are both merits and demerits for these platforms and this essay will discuss both merits and demerits and state my opinion.
In the last couple of years, it has been observed that the children have started spending a huge amount of time watching the television as compared to the old days. There are a number of causes behind this trend such as improved and easy accessibility to the channels at much lower rental charges and much more. In this essay the reasons will be discussed and the remedies to fix this problem will also be highlighted.
In recent years, a lot of perplexed publishers have been scratching their heads for the recent trend of e-books. There is no doubt that readers often prefer a digital version more than a hard copy of the story book. This essay will explore some of the possible reasons which might have caused this situation and highlight a few disadvantages for a library.
The customs like families getting together for meals has started to decline in the modern society. It has impacted healthy food cycles and family integration over the years.
It is undeniable that when it comes to recruiting new employees, a number of different aspects should be put in perspective in order to spot out the most potential people. Many people are in favour of achievements in education, performance being the key element to this process. However, others argue that knowledge of daily life and skills, manners that each one possesses are more critical than ever. I am inclined to believe that both of these qualifications to share equal importance as well as contribute to one’s advantage. In this essay, I will present my idea on the two subjects.
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