Crime appears to be increasing in most parts if the world, particularly among young people.Recent, crime has been directly and indirectly related to youth. The causes of appear to be focused on three main problems that contribute to crimes. Lack of parental guidance can lead teenagers to delinquency. A child with instructions from a parent is self-confidently and less prone to bad habits. And, Violence in the media and games can affect young people’s attitudes and behavior. The games that young people’s play are criminal; for example, there are counter strikes, mobile legends, and etc. Thirdly, lack of interest and direction can stray youngsters. According to the research, the group of young people who are involved in crime does not have their hobbies and does not do anything in their free time. Turning the possible solutions, Parents to take an active role in their child’s life. And, if limited the viewing time of violent films and online games the perspective of youth cr...