IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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The world now revolves around technology. From automatic vehicles to robotic teachers, AI driven machines are gaining popularity. Due to this, the possibility of driverless vehicles in future is acceptable. This advancement definitely has its advantages and disadvantages which would be further discussed in the following paragraphs.
1. When it comes to learning anything new, libraries are the best place to visit. Many people still find public libraries useful. However, others argue that in present times, they are no longer important. In this essay, I will explain the importance of public libraries and discuss why they are still necessary nowadays.
In the meantime, many people live in abroad, they think that having people from others nationalities and cultural back ground living together makes the country to develop more quickily. I completely disagree because of some reasons that I mentioned in this eassay.
In some countries, parents say to their children to try hard so that they can get a certain goal. This mindset has several pros and cons which will discuss in this essay.
Some societies believe it is positive to tell children that anything can be achieved by trying hard enough, whereas others think that this message has more negative effects on them. This essay will discuss the drawbacks and advantages of this statement.
Some people argue that protecting wild animals and birds is a waste of time and money. i completely disagree with this point of view.
It is often argued that some actions from companies provide more satisfaction to their employees. Recompensation and value employees are ways that make people satisfied. However, the expectation in most cases is frustration when people start their jobs. The following paragraphs will highlight factors that could improve and some relevant examples.
In the dangerous and complex world of today, the use of mobile devices is of utmost importance to young ones.
It is more common among students to choose other functional subjects to learn at universities. A large number of learners are fascinated by studying majors except for science in many countries.
Having English language knowledge or the ability to speak and write , and read is considered a sure-shot way to get high-paying jobs .Well is it a reality or myth depends upon lots of factors like whether you belong to English speaking country or region , whether English is used in corporates in your area. Maybe English is the second language in your country .Let us discuss this topic and figure out whether the opinion is correct or false.
It is often believed that modern modes of transportation play a prominent role in human lives for better living standards in the world.
as technology advances, people are worried that most jobs will be replaced by cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence. it is partly true , but to some extent, there are tasks that AI could not take over.
Some individuals prefer to use energy efficient modes of transportation like hybrid cars and bicycles however other individuals prefer to use usual mode of transportation like buses and trains because it is fast and do not waste much energy. İn my opinion, using hybrid cars is better because it uses renewable energy sources.
Nowadays cities are getting more and more overpopulated since many people immigrate to cities from rural areas to experience a different and high-quality life, but this trend caused too many problems for citizens as well. In this ,essay I would like to address this issue and state my agreement with the notion that governments should facilitate reverse migration.
The mobile phone has become very important in kids' lives as the world has gone digital and harder to live in coupled with its cruelty. I strongly agree that a child needs a mobile computer to survive in this modern world because of some reasons which include learning and obtaining information.
Having good mental health is crucial in sports, while some people think it is more beneficial to have a strong body instead. Both of these are necessary for every sports.In this essay I discuss both mental and physical strength and give my own opinion.
In a modern society that is extremely competitive and individuals struggle to succeed in their professional lives the role of higher education is being constantly questioned. Some people argue that universities should aim to equip their graduates with certain skills that will enable them to get hired and at the same time make them more competent employees. On the other ,hand many disagree with that and believe that their purpose is to provide them with the necessary knowledge for the subject they chose to study. I strongly believe that educational institutions should focus on transmitting knowledge.
While having a fixed age of retirement for everybody irrespective of the occupation one does is fair, in my opinion, early retirement facilities should be given to specific occupations and people with special conditions. This essay will discuss which employees will be eligible for early retirement. (47)
Having good mental health is crucial in sports, while some people think it is more beneficials to have a strong body instead. Both of these are necessary in every sport. In this essay I discuss both mental and physical strength and give its own opinion.
Having good mental health is crucial in sports, while some people think it more beneficial to have a strong body instead. Both of these are necessary in every sport. In this essay I discuss both mental and physical strength and give its own opinion.
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