IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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With modern society developing at a pace faster than ever imagined, it prevails in the workforce that employees keep switching careers. This trend might stem from people’s desire for better livelihood and contribute to the overall prosperity of both individuals and society.
After retiring, individuals need financial support. Some believe that it is a responsibility of governments to help them, while others believe that they ought to provide it by their own. Although some governments cannot afford to give financial support to their retired individuals, I believe that governments should give them assistance because they dedicated a significant era of their lives serving their nation.
This essay will analyse the root causes of global warming and then suggest the remedies to lower the risks associated with this key problem.
Modern lifestyle has made people busy which result in an increase in stress and pressure in their life. According to Doctors from different countries, the rate of people who are engaging in physical activities is dropping and this is considered a serious issue which can result in many health problems. This essay discusses the various reasons for this and also tries to address how this can be resolved.
An online teaching method is most popular across the world due to technology innnovation. A few learners prefer to study virtual courses rather than usual classroom studies. In my opinion about this, online learning method is best choice for learners and this essay will describe briefly in the upcoming paragraphs.
In current, business owners often claim that their commodities are new in some aspects. That is mainly because they want to draw attention from their customers. From my perspective , this phenomenon can be seen as a negative development as good ones can lose their value and this leads to losses of traditional perceptions.
Introduction of computers and cell phones led to disappearance of practical corresponding.In my opinion,i agree that through modern technologies,it is much more convenient to correspond rather than the practical method of letter writing.
Weather doing samething is best or change is best sparked a lot of discussion these days. While some people believe that doing same thing is good for their family security, I agree with those who believe that change of work pays more and brodens their thinking.
It is certainly true that nowadays the Internet is widely used in education around the world. People’s opinions differ, some claim that it is beneficial for teaching and learning while others believe that it is harmful to students and should be restricted. Personally, I believe that the use of the Internet should be limited in some ways, but it is still a valuable educational tool.
It is often argued that uniforms are compulsory in schools, but some people do not agree they should be. I strongly believe it is extremely important for children to wear them as it helps to identify how to make part of the institution and for the students only focus on studying. The following paragraphs will highlight the reasons and some relevant examples.
In this contemporary era, the world wide web is a necessity and most of the time we spend in front of our computers and mobile phones surfing the internet.Moreover,it become an essential source of communication and bought the world within our hands.However,we need to agree that, there are certain issues that do exists.In this essay,I will elaborate on the demerits.
Learning to speak a new language is a skill that everyone should acquire. Some believe that people should learn a new language only in case they travel or work abroad, while others think that these should not be the only reasons to learn a new tongue. This essay will discuss why learning a new language will benefit one in many ways, other than just traveling and working in a foreign country.
These days people have the world within their reach, given it is possible to work remotely without having to attend a strict schedule from 9 to 6. Workers can quit the daily grind for a life of travel. This has been possible because the internet is available in most places in the world and also it is easy than ever before to go wherever they wish because transport networks are more efficient than in the past. This is wonderful news. The time when employees go to the office is over and having freedom of movement is undeniably an advance. However, this new challenge of the work market has got both advantages and setbacks.
I think it is a great idea to build a new university in my community. However, I think it is a controversial question whether the building of a new university will bring only benefits to our community. In this essay I will analyze advantages and disadvantages of this issue and present my view in favor of establishing a new university in my community.
In the morden era, whether teenagers should be punished as the same as the grown ups when they commit crimes or not has been a debatable issue among any one region. In my opinion, I strongly believe that there should be better inverventions to decipline the youngsters who breaks the law.
Nowadays, one of the widely discussed issues is that many point out that the life become more better in cold climates whereas other ones select living in sunny counties. In my point of view, cold weather conditions is more beneficial for most of individuals. In this essay, I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
A good way to encourage people to stay united is by funding community facilities such as centres of free time. From my point of view, I completely agree with this statement, because it will stimulate a good community spirit. In the following essay I am going to present other effective measures.
''Are you satisfied with your job?'' Nowadays this is an important question asked by many employers themselves due to the fact that people dedicate a lot of other primarily important aspects of their lives until getting retirement.According to my personal experience, most people are not enjoying their carrier.
In recent times, the Rise of Garbage is a global issue all over the world.This essay examines some of the troubles caused by debris on the entire planet and suggests some viable remedies to curb the grave concerns.
Nowadays, most of people argue about one of the most controversial issues that the numbers of male and female students should be equalized in every subject in university. However, the majority of others completely unaccept the policy. In my opinion, this policy is not really suitable for reality and justice, and I do not recommend all of universities to do that.
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