IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Smartphones are one of the most popular ways of communication in the present world. There is an argument that smartphones are damaging our social interaction whereas others believe that it is part of modern communication. In my opinion, Although excessive use of smartphones as a communication tool may have some negative effects like addiction to mobile games, I agree that It has far greater positive impacts on social bonding such as long-distance communication and video call function.
A global corporation is essential to promote the quality of life of individuals in the world. While some people believe that wealthy nations should provide financial aid to developing nations, others are pessimistic about this perspective as they demand more practical assistance. I personally support the latter view for the following reasons.
Such are the scenarios in our highly developed daily life: the smog is smearing the sky, and the car horns are blaring all day long, whilst in places away from humans, animals are dying, and wild fields are being laid waste. Therefore, moralists are coming out to call for possible solutions in dealing with all the environmental problems, but we, the overwhelming individuals, are still confused about what we can actually do for bettering the environment.
Some argue that avoiding global warming is not a battle one can win, so they suggest that humans must learn how to live with it. I strongly disagree with this view because I believe that through the efforts and contributions of each civilization, we can change the situation we have created.
It is sometimes argued that a few high-end attires are better than loads of low-end ones. I agree with this statement to some extent, but I do think cheaper clothing is necessary too.
There is an argument that is dealing with the statement of establishing one authority to control and regulate the earth rather than a national ministry for each nation. In my point of view, I believe that this phrase gives tremendous negative effects on each country.
We have witnessed a great number of criminal trials being broadcasted on public media in this era. While there are some arguments on whether it is mandatory or not. I do believe that the benefits of these shows outweigh the drawbacks.
In today's consumer-driven society, the high sales of popular goods often raise questions about whether they are a result of advertising power or genuine societal needs. I firmly agree with the fact that these advertisements have a huge role in selling off many buyer goods which are not actually required by society. This essay will first argue that advertising plays a crucial role in exerting a comprehensive influence on purchaser behaviour, and secondly contend that advertising fosters animosity by engendering artificial desires and manipulating customer preferences.
Gender inequality has been a subject of discussion for decades. Some believe that equality exists between males and females, whereas others think there is still a long way to go. My thoughts are that there is still work to be done to reach an equal footing however, progress has been made over the decades. But is this enough?
People have different views on whether graduates should learn in a specific academic field as opposed to getting a double degree to expand their reservoir of knowledge. While there are some advantages to obtaining knowledge from one domain, I do believe that they can benefit more from getting involved in various subjects.
Animals are part of the world at large. People are of the opinion that they can benefit humans and another group says it is wrong to utilize them. I believe that using animals to benefit our society is acceptable but not for greed.
Some people believe having a job while studying is a valuable experience for children. On the contrary, some other people disagree. Making the right choice between these two can be quite important for adolescents. In this essay, I will discuss my opinion of both points of view.
Some people claim that individuals should be responsible for their own health and meals whereas others believe the authority needs to take this into their consideration and guide citizens on what they should eat. From my perspective, society should rely on themselves to live a healthy lifestyle.
Developing societies should refrain from acquiring intellectual individuals from developing states since these nations will need the labour the most. I agree with the statement that workers should be left alone to work in their countries and I will delve into it with examples in this essay.
Immortality has always been a precious goal for human beings. We all have grown up with this idea in our storybooks or even in cartoons. Even though we knew it is just a fantasy, we started to chase a lot of ways to take us closer to this dream, one of them being medical improvement. But as much as we chase eternality, it will go further. This essay will propound my point of view about the topic.
Some people believe that costly celebrations are beneficial for individuals and society while others consider the financial loss to be more significant than its advantages. Knowing which of them is true can save some cash or at least clear the conscience of people. In this essay, I will discuss both points of view and in the end, I will share my own opinion.
Human beings are considered social animals, without the rules, these animals could go beyond the boundaries, So there should be punishment for each type of that crime and also for the thought that emerged for committing it. Is it necessary to take this into account while dealing with criminals? In the following ,paragraphs I will describe these statements along with relevant examples.
In modern times, the food people purchase from their local grocery stores comes from all around the globe. Generally, eating options are not limited to the food produced by their local farmers. Consumers reap the benefits of this in a variety of ways, including being able to purchase grub they would be unable to obtain locally and seasonally. Supporting your community by purchasing in-house is widely praised. However, I believe the availability of many options generally outweighs such.
We are living an ideal life where the greatest education systems are available. By this, there are more chances for the community to organize both theoretical and outdoor lessons, which are correlatively necessary for youngsters to their high potential and leisure values. The noticeable information is, a part of the population believes that unless admission had leisure exercises during their educational paths, it would be completely time-consuming. In my opinion, I definitely agree with that point of view.
Many workers have little idea whether they will stay with the same organization throughout their working lives, the place where they got their first job. If they decide to change, there are some aspects to take into consideration on how it will affect their career as a whole.
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