IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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It is reckoned that railways should be spent more time than roads by the governments. From my prospect, I strongly agree with the thought.
It is reckoned by a fair portion of folks that all employees ought to wear a costume during working hours in order to follow companies’ desire. In parallel, a number of the population think it is not crucial. From my prospect, I strongly agree with the second thought.
Advancements in technology are a boon for globalisation, as a result, it exerts a plethora of opportunities for youngsters to attain higher education overseas, inevitably, that brings huge benefits to students by interaction with new methods of learning as well as offers them a chance to explore new cultures and languages. Moreover, it is a platform that can build a sense of independency among teenagers. Can the cons of this phenomenon be ignored? It may be a negative tendency for the native country of the graduates, as only students with high potential can fulfil the academic requirements to enter into a developed nation for further study, and there is a strong possibility that a degree holder will be paid more in the developed nation as compared to developing one. This disquisition will shed light on the merits and demerits of this matter.
It is a commonly held consensus that getting rid of cars in our day-to-day lives is an optimal method to reduce air pollution. Nevertheless, some people contend that there are numerous ways that are more efficient. There are opposing views regarding this matter, so this essay will take both sides into consideration and conclude.
It is logical to think that all students should contribute something to improve their neighbourhood. Therefore, the topic of whether community work should be integrated into high-school programmes is one which deserves some analysis. In my opinion, it is inadvisable for children to be forced to take part in these activities. This essay will provide two explanations supporting the statement.
Nowadays, some sectors of society are in favour of getting a driving license with more age than is permitted in the present in order to improve road safety. In my opinion, I strongly disagree as I do not think that this problem is a matter of age. I consider that this is about better education and consciousness.
These days, some people are of the opinion that good handwriting is altered by modern communication tools, while others believe that good handwriting is one of the most important abilities. In my opinion, good handwriting is not required in these modern times.
Humans have been using animals to test new products over centuries, which has been causing some public controversy in recent years. Although this method appears reasonable for some reasons, it should be forbidden because of the far-reaching effects that it has.
Some people argue that to provide a better environment for child development around family, caretakers have to take special parenting courses. I completely agree with this approach, since nowadays mothers and fathers are lacking in parenting skills.
People have different views on the influences of migration from the countryside to cities on the individuals themselves and society as a whole. While there are some positive effects, I do believe that the advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages.
The Internet is growing in a rapid phase, which enables us to know the occurrence of any international events within a few seconds. I believe that it is a positive development because it helps society to have effective communication and access to all data faster than before. On the other hand, it makes the public feel socially insecure by spreading false knowledge sometimes.
In recent years, many producers try to attract their consumers in some ways. One of them is by making good advertisements of their product. I believed that the positive developments overshadow its drawbacks.
Maintaining the safety of a country is a crucial responsibility. One of which includes security measures regarding messages and calls made through cell phones. Some agree that the government should have the ability to look into this private data. While others believe it is personal information and should not be looked at. In my opinion, it is perfectly okay to provide information, as long as this would help with society's safety. This essay will discuss both arguments.
Due to the overcrowding of the planet, the amount of trash that is being produced is alarming. The government is unable to cope with the tons of rubbish effectively and sustainably. In this essay, I will outline the reason for it and discuss how governments can help ameliorate this concerning situation.
I strongly hold the view that all individuals in the world should consider our future. Instead of getting used to climate change, we should think about how we can protect our nature. In this essay, I will provide more detail from my perspective.
A large number of people believe that the maintenance of their community should be the responsibility of the government rather than that of the resident. I believe it is a shared responsibility between the neighbourhood and the authority. This essay will discuss the merit and demerit of both sides.
Nowadays, many parents choose to have their children study at home rather than send them to school. There is a clear disadvantage of not being able to socialize with people their age, however, I believe that homeschooling has more positive consequences as having a safe environment while studying and learning at their own pace
The excessive number of cars in the modern world has caused various problems and has been the subject of numerous conferences and government plans. In this essay, these problems will be illustrated and a proven solution for these problems will be notified.
The most introverted,issues today are related to mothers and fathers from the occidental decision to not have children. It is affected by the population in these countries. In my belief that the negative effects of this phenomenon could certainly offset its advantage.
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