IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Youth and education play a crucial role in a province. A bunch of people think that to become a successful person, as well as for the development of the country, they need higher studies despite other assumes that it leads to graduate unemployment. In my opinion, I consider that fully educated students are a great future for the rustic, I will demonstrate both of my points in my further writing and try to conclude it.
The question of how to be successful in sports has long held a fascinating sway over scientists, psychologists, biologists and curious minds all over the world. Although mentality appears highly important, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that physical strength is the most determined factor contributing to success in this field.
An increasing number of people argue that engaging in different activities at the same time as studying is of the same importance for students who have full-time scheduled university lessons. While focusing on studies is a vital part of the improvement of students, I believe that they should spare some time for socializing and participating in internships, as well.
As an introduction, rapid global development with considerable advancement in technology is keeping people away from printed books and magazines slightly. Some people believe that such technological improvement will be resulted in replacing reading materials with online methods. However, I strongly disagree with the idea as the parents in current era value conventional methods of learning and guide their children away from computers.
Celebrities are an inherent part of our lives. We see them practically everywhere. There is no doubt, that due to their talent, they are paid so much money that many people may only dream of. However, there is always a group of the community that feel that such entertainers should not earn this much. In my opinion, I believe that there is nothing immoral about their salaries. However, there are other sectors that should earn as much as them.
It is undeniable that air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues that the world has to face today. This essay attempts to explore some major causes of the issue and propose some possible solutions to it.
These days, the longevity of residents is increasing in several countries and leads to overpopulation. However, some people tend to believe that having an elderly population has more benefits than negative effects. In my opinion, I think that such a claim is correct to a certain extent.
In many countries, people are now living longer than ever before. Some people say an ageing population creates problems for governments. Other people think there are benefits if society has more elderly people.

To what extent do the advantages of having an ageing population outweigh the disadvantages?
Over the past few decades, there have been tremendous advancements in the field of technology, which have made our lives convenient and comfortable. It is often argued whether it is the best solution to our present as well as future issues. Some people believe that as we are too dependent on technology, we must concentrate on other choices we have in order to reduce dependency. I disagree with them, and this essay will elucidate my assertions along with the advantages and disadvantages in the forthcoming paragraphs.
It is argued that we should invest more in encouraging healthy lifestyles rather than illness curing. I totally agree with this argument because a balanced routine can resist diseases and the former strategy is more effective economically than the latter one.
People have different views on the influences that the migration of villagers has on themselves and society as a whole. While there are some positive effects on individuals and society as a whole, I do believe that the advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages.
Earning of popular sportsmen is quite more than various other working individuals.Due to this some pears opine that is inequality in other professions and there should not be the same income for all jobs. l disagree with this statement and intend to discuss my views further.
Work migration has become a thing around the world. People now travel to seek better-paying jobs, thereby leaving their relatives behind. This has sparked a lot of debate about families missing important dates and events. Also, some families have grown financially as a result. I will explore both sides of this statement.
For decades, the enthusiasm for alternative medicines is being increased among people as time goes by. More and more folks turn their backs on modern medicine all around the world. I completely agree with this point of view. In this essay, I will explain my view with relevant examples.
Through learning anything in the world can be accomplished. Therefore, students must pursue their higher studies for a promising future thinking of some people, whereas, others believe that education is not the right path yet a successful career can be achieved through experience. Analysing I believe that there are plentiful examples of community who dropped out the college, nonetheless, studies are the ultimate way to prepare for upcoming years.
According to the passage, all fuel-based wagons should be banned and electric wagons can take a replacement. However, I would agree with that as I believe electric vehicles are environmentally friendly and economical.
Nowadays, criminal activities across the world have risen tremendously. Some people believe that a long jail term is the only solution, though others think re-education and rehabilitation is the effective way to solve this problem. I believe that re-education and rehabilitation are important as the duration in jail.
Over the last decades, the online world has completely changed our perception of reality, as well as our educational experience. Today more and more people and organisations opt for a distance-learning format, however, there is no mutual understanding on the matter of benefits that such a format provides. Personally, I strongly disagree with those, who reckon that online education is less advantageous than offline one.
Due to the hazardous effects of smoking on the person and their surrounding people, many nations have declared that it is prohibited to smoke in public places. Still, many of them are chain smokers, and they have to have it multiple times a day, and for that, they must have to leave the premises to smoke at predesigned places. I firmly believe in the aforementioned statement, and I will share the reasons with examples.
In the 21st century, exploring space is considered one of the most trending businesses among well-known entrepreneurs. For that reason, many governments would like to stay ahead of the curve by spending large amounts of funds on space experimentation. However, there are considerable merits and demerits behind investing a great amount of money in rocket science. In the following paragraphs, I will explain how the advantages outweigh the disadvantages with examples.
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