IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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While it is often argued that the state should initiate some activities that can reduce the crime rate, others are sure that everyone is responsible only for their own businesses. In my opinion, the individual has to understand clearly what he or she is doing and be ready for the consequences.
Volunteering experiences have become an estimation standard while entering high school. In other words, joining in charity events becomes obligatory for Taiwanese students. I personally disagree with this idea. It is against nature and sometimes might even put a burden on both pupils and charity organizations.
It may be truly said that music can be considered an integral part of human daily life, which has the power to unite and connect people regardless of culture and age. From my perspective, I completely agree with this view and provide the following reasons.
Today is the era of technology in which more and more consumers have used their cards or phones to pay their bills. In my opinion, cash will be banned in the future although some people will reluctant to accept that.
Rural children not having access to education in developing countries has been the subject of debate. Some people believe that schools and teachers are what those students need and others have the idea that computers and the Internet should be provided for these children. In this essay, I will discuss both points of view and in the end, my personal opinion will be shared.
In recent years, accommodation has long been the topic of numerous debates. Many people argue that, in many countries, buying a house can bring many advantages over living as a tenant for years. In my opinion, setting up a new home is a significant action of any individual that can ease the life of a person. I will give an explanation and example of my view in the following paragraphs.
In this modern era, It is commonly argued that university learners should incorporate other courses into their major curriculum. However, others claim that it is highly essential to concentrate on only their field of study. In my opinion, it is predominant to spend more time focusing on their initial majors.
Inequality has been a topic of heated debate for decades, as the rich are richer and the poor are poorer around the world. Although the idea that modern technology is the cause may appear reasonable, it is not the primary factor contributing to this trend.
I firmly agree that children should have limited access to the internet as they are becoming the prime targets of cybercrimes today. Firstly, this essay will look at why the web is not a trustworthy place and how parents can protect their children from falling prey to horrible situations happening online.
In this modern era, it is common to see both men and women in families go to work. Therefore, there can be no doubt that the topic of splitting chores at home and looking after children is one which deserves some analysis. In my opinion, it is advisable for families to share housework and responsibility. This essay will provide explanations for the statement made above.
Nowadays tourism is one of the booming industries around the world; It is stated that in future many families would prefer going on a vacation within their own bucolic instead of abroad. In my opinion, I believe that the public may prefer to explore domestic point because it is flexible and economical. Perhaps, International trips will help to learn cross-cultural values and diversity.
Although it is commonly believed that computer games can positively impact children's lives, others feel that they can give drawbacks and affect their development in the future. In my opinion, playing computer games does not affect children negatively in all aspects because it has some benefits.
It is not uncommon for developed countries to facilitate financial aid to poorer people. Whereas , it is often argued that poverty cannot be lessened through financial support only. It can be more useful for developing nations if they also offer other types of benefits. I partially agree with the given notion.
It is not uncommon for developed countries to facilitate financial aid to poorer countries. Whereas , it is often argued that poverty cannot be lessened through financial support only. It can be more useful for developing communities if they also offer other types of benefits. I partially agree with the given notion.
Technology has changed the way an individual reads his news . It is believed that the Internet will replace the traditional way of purchasing newspapers and books in the future. I completely agree with the statement as digitalisation has various advantages .
It's undisputed that medicine is a commodity which is crucial but its price is too high for under-developing countries to afford, which is the reason why many people lost their lives in spite of the curable diseases. It is believed that medical firms should offer reduced prices to make medicine available to improve this issue. I strongly believe that this measurement can save many lives.
Nowadays the rapid growth of technology makes it easy to watch films on our smart devices in the comfort of our homes, Perhaps, some people argue that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in the cinema. In my opinion, Although, a cinema with specific features can be watched only in theatres, watching films over the phone will be more convenient and cost-effective.
Nowadays E-commerce is one of the most booming industries; It is argued that in future all offline shops in cities and towns would be closed due to this enormous growth. Despite the fact that online shopping saves our travelling time and gives versatile choices in one place. In my opinion as a millennial kid, I would always prefer to do traditional shopping as it feels more secure and trustworthy.
Nowadays, video games are undoubtedly becoming INCREASINGLY popular across the globe. People have conflicting views on whether they bring more benefits OR drawbacks to the users. In my opinion, the disadvantages exceed the advantages and I would elaborate my view through the essay.
Due to problems associated with the usage of fossil fuels, the government ought to encourage the use of alternative expert energy. I agree that those other forms of power such as solar and wind will be a remedy to the issue of global warming.
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