IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favour of them because of their benefits to humanity
Nowadays many families migrate to foreign countries for work. This creates a sparking debate in which some believe that the children will be benefited from moving abroad whereas some itoppose. In this ,essay I will look firstly at the positives and then at the negatives with relevant examples.However, in my ,opinon the pros outweigh the cons.
In this globalisation era, individuals are leaving their native nations and settling down in new countries in order to get citizenship in that new place. There are various factors behind this trend as well as numerous results of this process, which will be explained in further paragraphs.
In recent days,Human life becomes very complex due to the office workload.Employees feel more complexity than before due to extra hours .In this ,essay we will discuss what are the primary cause as well as what kind of resolutions can the company consider to reduce the employer's workload.
There has been a controversy about whether the importance of talent outweighs hard work. I think hard work is more essential, and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Ostensibly, a number of languages are on the verge of extinction because the number of people who speak the languages has gradually decreased. Since it is a threat to the professionals of such languages along with its related cultures, this is not a welcoming trend. This essay will delve deeper into the reasons behind such a phenomenon in the impending paragraphs.
Ostensibly, a number of languages are at the verge of extinction because the number of people who speak the languages has gradually decreased. Since it is a threat to the importance of such languages, this is not a welcoming trend. This essay will delve deeper into the reasons behind such a phenomenon in the impending paragraphs.
Many people argued that talent is the most important part to achieve success while some people think that hard work is the most important part. to achieve an aim. I personally believe that without hard work one cannot achieve his goals.
recently, there are many developments things have been done in the structure sector because in some communities many individuals ask about the history of either houses or buildings. in this essay, I am going to answer the reason for these questions and the best approach to investigate and research.
For the past few years, crime has been on the high rise in many countries. This has numerous reasons itbehind. For this reason, the essay below seeks to discuss the causes of theft and ways of handling or solving this problem.
In earlier times, seating together with family members during eating was a common phenomenon. However, the culture is disappearing in modern times. In this essay, I will discuss the causes of this and will also try to find out the effects of losing such a tradition.
It is true that most modern societies are demanding more freely speeches without boundaries or hinders to expressing their needs. From my personal perspective, I agree with this, and in the lines below I will explain the reasons for my position.
Industrialisation and technological advancement are man-made activities that have significantly contributed to climate change globally. The human factors responsible for this as well as the likely solutions will be discussed in this essay .
How to deal with poor people has become a global issue, and different countries have different solutions. However, in order to fix this problem, we need to look at the reasons for world poverty first. The reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, more families choose fast food over home-cooked meals although they know that it is bad for their health. Still, grabbing fast food has its benefits worth considering. For Example, the time it took to order fast food is substantially less than making a meal themselves and they don't have to prepare any ingredients which could save them a ton of time.
Most students experience difficulty concentrating during teachings at school which may result from distractions by external stimuli and disorganization from the institution. However, this can be tackled by the removal of these factors and proper planning.
There has been a controversy about if staying at universities is necessary for the young generation nowadays. I think people should try to study at university instead of going straight into the workplace. My reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
There is a saying that “humans are curious creatures” which means that humans are curious about everything. In recent years, there has been a group of people wanting to find out about the history of their houses. In this essay, I will be explaining what the reason for the spike in curiosity is.
History considers one of the main topics to study or even read about it. So it is very important and essential in human kind's development. some people have the interest to discover what happened long ago in certain locations and to find out the events and accidents that occur in the past especially, in the house or the building they live in. of course there are several reasons behind this curiosity. In this essay, I will refer to some reasons and some ideas to do this digging.
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