IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In this technical era, everyone busy in their hectic schedule. They have no time for their family even some people live out of the state or nation. They have no time for the elderly masses. I will discuss my viewpoints in the upcoming paragraphs and I will also discuss how can it be managed.
Health care is one of the most important things to our body. This is the reason why many people want to take care of their health. Some people suggest that society has to care for more and more elderly people. Certainly, I will explain how people in society managed to cope with the increase in numbers of elderly people today.
Some people think that hosting international sports events may be beneficial for a country. In the following paragraph, I will explain my reason to support this notion and discuss both views.
Nowadays, people are really mobilised to consider where they lives. Some people might prefer to live close when they were born. We illitrate ireasons, advanages and disadvantages in the below pragraph.
Although noticing that certain products are unaffordable and unnecessary, some people are still constantly purchasing them, which eventually brings them on the verge of financial plight. In this essay, I will illustrate the mechanism of such behaviours and outline two measures that can prevent individuals from falling into the trap of debt.
Though the experience of moving from one job to another can sometimes be distressing or even traumatic, thousands of employees in the modern time move from one job to another in rapid succession every year. This essay will point this out and suggest some solutions to this problem.
Most children prefer to travel to the zoo. However, There have opinions that keeping animals in captivity is cruel. There is no reason for zoos to exist in the 21st century. In the following paragraph, I will outweigh the advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, I will explain my opinion.
In this contemporary era, wherever people are attempting to change their life because of the advent of technology. Moreover, currently they have planned to other international countries to fulfil their future dreams. Even though so.e communities have decided to live closer to their hometown where they were born. There are many reasons why they have decided to stay there? Of course, occasionally, they are able to behave in a comfortable way and they were adapted cultures and traditions which are helped them to create life in easier manner. This essay will focus on the advantages and disadvantages in above matter.
In this contemporary era, wherever people are attempting to change their life because of the advent of technology. Moreover, currently they have planned to other international countries for fulfil their future dreams. Even though so.e communities have decided to live closer to their hometown where they were born. There are many reasons why they have decided to stay there? Of course, occasionally, they are able to behave in a comfortable way and they were adapted cultures and traditions which are helped them to create life in easier manner. This essay will focus on the advantages and disadvantages in above matter.
There is a popular opinion that many movies and series based on historical events do not contain the whole truth and are actually a mix of facts and fiction. Some people think that this can distort our perception of history, and therefore their production should be discouraged. While this is true and these motion pictures are fiction, I disagree with the statement. As I would argue, the purpose of these films is entertainment, and not educational.
The Rapid increase in the crime rate among young people is a critical problem in some countries. Many governments try as hard as they can to sort out such a dangerous situation. The possible backgrounds of this issue will be thoroughly discussed and analysed in the following essay before reasoned solutions are proposed.
In the contemporary world, it is underestimated the value of saving rather than spending. Moreover, some people get dept by purchase unnecessary or unaffordable stuff and it has become a huge social problem. I will explore the reasons for this phenomenon and how to prevent this problem.
Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, It is nonsense to exclude males and females from certain professions because of their gender. In the following paragraph, I will illustrate to support my reason.
These days many people do not fully comprehend how absolutely important nature is for human beings' survival. This essay will discuss some reasons why individuals underestimate nature and some ways they can learn more about it.
Modern techniques are flourishing by leaps and bounds in every makes people’s life easier and more interactive. No doubt, through to this communication industries are growing faster which we never had before. However, these aspects have tremendous effects all over the society but with few drawbacks as well. The community must focus on this spark debates, which have a positive or negative impact all over the globe.
In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in. In the following paragraph, I will explain the reason and how to research this.
Some individuals hold the opinion that international news has to be studied as an additional subject in high school. Whereas others say that it will be a waste of time for children. Every individual has their own opinion on both perspectives in subsequent paragraphs and will give my opinion at the end.
Nowadays, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in.The old buildings which were built over 100 years ago are rare to find out these days.
It has been said that increasingly people in some countries are becoming interested in looking out about the history of the home or building they attend. This topic will describe the reasons behind this approach and explain the method of finding this informationinformation. This essay will discuss these tendencies of finding the history of the house followed by examples for its benefit on people’s psychology.
In the modern era, people have better working conditions like the workplace, work agreements, and work-life struggles such as mobbing rights, from the interviewing to losing their positions. Under the circumstances, it forces to companies try to provide more benefits to their employees by applying to expand work hours. In contrast, for employees, working longer causes more stress in the workplace. In my opinion, it does not work for companies
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