IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, Everything is getting changed around the world especially with dramatically growing population what is why some other countries changed their eating habits their food souses basis by insects while others consider about insect source apparently not only unhealthy for the human body but also badly affect the environment.In this , an essay I intend to discuss these situations' the pros and cons.
In recent years, it is evidence that a majority of colleges and Universities have been shifted from the traditional science subjects to IT-based subjects. This essay will discuss both advantages and drawbacks and explain why I think the negative impacts outweigh the positives.
People love to travel around nowadays, and tourism can propel the country's economic development. However, tourism has some drawbacks, and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Tens of thousands of years ago, people bought stuff by changing goods with neighbours. the family didn’t have extra stuff so that they can know what they need exactly. At this age, more and more people can not clearly understand the stuff which they want to buy or need to buy. This phenomenon results in lots of the population getting into debt.
Obesity amongst children has been a mounting concern for many countries. While it has various complex causes, I can propose several feasible methods for tackling it which will be discussed in this essay.
People primarily work for monetary remunerations and psychological job satisfaction. Admittedly, remuneration like salary and fringe benefits package is crucial, but job satisfaction also cannot be ignored, In this essay we will try to explore it from different angles.
Some argue that capital punishment is an efficient way to deter vicious offences, while others believe that a life sentence has a better deterrent effect. In this essay, I will discuss both views and explain why I tend to agree with the latter.
In a controversial society,most people tend to know better about their past experiences related to the place where they live.This essay will discuss the main reasons why people search about the past regarding accommodation including getting to know older experiences and being comfortable in their own environment.This essay will also suggest how the research should be done.
Whether it is a house or business money plays a significant role in both of them. So, having such an opportunity is really a nice thing to have. In my opinion, if I have enough money to use for any of the above-mentioned options, I will buy my dream house. Having my own house is my long-awaited dream, which I want to fulfil. I would go for this because of two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.
It is true that some people live close to their birthplace for the majority of their life. This could happen due to several reasons such as preferring to be near one's significant others. While this has a number of benefits, some disadvantages come with it.
While some people are interested in trying new things such as unseen places and untested foods, others prefer to stick to what they are familiar with. I personally am in favour of stepping in untraveled roads and experiencing unknowns, however, I believe in some aspects it is better to take caution and not to be adventurous.
Nowadays, food industries rely on preservatives and chemicals. Although food processing using chemicals enhances food quality, the hazardous side of these substances is more powerful. I agree with the previous statement and I will justify my argument in the upcoming paragraphs.
recently, there is a tendency among the youth living in villages or small towns to leave their home town in the destination of larger cities for the purpose of education or got seek a better occupation. However, this trend carries some benefits and drawbacks This essay will examine them in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Architecture is one of the cultural heritage that has to be protected and prevented from being damaged. In recent years, a number of citizens have been becoming become increasingly interested in discovering the history of their houses. In this essay, I will illustrate the underlying reasons for people exploring information about their houses and outline two ways in which the history of their houses can be researched.
There are various reasons to be a working mom and gain money to take care of their families, while her husband takes responsibility for their kids. One of the reasons that I am able to think of is that some women have great opportunities for career growth compared to men side.
Recently, a large number of people are paying more attention to historical buildings. As far as I am concerned, the development of countries and technologies may be reasons why people have more interest in it. People can preserve these buildings by raising their awareness and posting certain regulations.
Nowadays, there are many concerns about young children leaving school without learning how to control their money. This essay will present some root causes and suggest solutions for each one.
In the new world, people tend to move from their hometowns and they come back later. From my point of view, I think youngsters need to be responsible at some point in their lives to find out more suitable ways of living .
In the bygone days, an athlete aimed to win a competition or to set a new world record. Nowadays, it has changed, as many players are motivated by the prize and the popularity. The following essay will discuss how the effect of the changes on the young generation and how it has affected the sports industry.
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