IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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In this day and age, more and more people are becoming immersed in tracing the origin of their accommodation. There are several reasons for this trend and a wide range of methods to carry out it, which will be illustrated in this essay.
Providing hands-on experience to school children for a short span has become immensely popular these days. Some people criticize these trends while others support them. However, from my perspective, the merits of these activities outweigh the demerits significantly.
We live in an age where many people prefer to communicate through digital platforms rather than having an in-person conversation due to the convenience of digitalization. From my personal view, I believe that this is a negative development that can lead to multiple problems later on in life. This essay will elaborate on the reasons why it is considered to be harmful, followed by a reasoned conclusion.
It is an undeniable truth that people who are having obesity have a high risk of serious health problems such as high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases. There are numerous reasons for leading to overweight. I will list out some of them and also give some solutions to this problem.
It has become a belief that young people should take work opportunities as they completed school and before entering university. This has both pros and cons however in my opinion I would believe it is more beneficial for the youth to gain some vocational training at their young age.
Over the years, many societies have been significantly impacted by immigration. The numbers of people migrating to developed countries are increasing continuously. This essay will examine how emigration results in positive developments while also present negative impacts of this phenomenon.
In recent years, It has been seen that, in order to have a triumphant occupation, parents are forcing their kids. I completely dispute the formal statement and in this essay, I will support my view with examples.
Some people tell children that if they are persistent, they can get whatever they want. This essay will expose some benefits and drawbacks when this advice is giving to young people.
With modernization happening in every part of the world, cities are expanding rigorously. This increased the option of people migrating to cities for better facilities. Some people prefer dwelling in the city while others like to stay in the countryside. This essay discusses both views and their benefits.
Online shopping has revolutionized the way we shop. Consequently, more and more people these days prefer purchasing products online over the traditional method of going to stores. This trend, however, exerts both positive and negative impacts on individuals and businesses as well.
Large companies including multi-national corporate firms are flourishing far and wide. Some people enjoy working in big firms expecting a huge income and financial stability. However, there are those who believe that economic and job prospects are low when working in large firms and I do have the same opinion.
Only a few students prefer to study a science career at the university. This essay will expose why they are no choosing these fields and also explain what the consequences will be.
Obesity causes serious health issues and is growing nowadays. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons behind the upward trend in the number of overweight people, as well as some suggestions to solve this problem.
In today's technological world, we are prone to buy things online which includes our daily chores as well, like air tickets, books and vegetables as well. Nowadays, it is welcomed by everyone and with the utilization of this, there are many advantages of shopping while sitting at home outweigh the disadvantages.
Exercise is the only way to keep a person fit, healthy and energetic. Doctors always suggest to older people to do exercise regularly, however it is often argued that the older public does not do enough exercise. The reason could be the aged crowd think to live remaining life relaxed and lethargic manner without any stress. In this essay, we will discuss how to encourage them before a conclusion is reached.
A considerable number of individuals left their homes to become foreigners in other nations.I strongly recommend that people should be permitted to travel without any obstacle to living in any country of their choice. This essay will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of going to live in another man's land.
Exercise is an important activity to keep the body fit and fine. Physical experts suggest that old age folks should engage in some physical activities to remain active throughout the day. Despite this, old folks are reluctant to do so. This essay would shed some light on the main reasons for this passiveness among senior citizens along with the feasible remedies to motivate them to do some exercises.
The high volume of vehicles on the road is a severe issue for large cities around the globe. To solve this serious problem government should focus on improving their public travel systems and give incentives to promote the use of bikes.
It cannot be denied that obesity has become a severe problem that endangers the lives of people throughout the world, especially in developed countries. I have the belief that it stems from modern life, but it can be eliminated via straightforward measures.
Technology plays an integral part in improving the lives of people. With the advent of this, there are some split opinions regarding the testing on living animals. A set of persons believe it to be immoral, while a group of thinkers support this experimentation process and considers it to be imperative for human benefits. However, as in my opinion, its disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In this essay, I will justify my decision, after analysing both sides of the argument.
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