IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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There is considerable controversy over whether grandparents should live together with their extended families or whether older people should live independently. I will now discuss a few valid arguments from both sides before I come to my conclusion.
The new generation of few countries is nowadays disinterested in teaching. However, there are various reasons for this, such as; less remuneration and disrespect by the students. The possible solutions are also available like the improvisation of the salary structure of the teachers and making the job more rewarding and respectful. This essay will elaborate on this topic in the upcoming paragraphs.
Poverty is prevailing in all the countries across the world and is being dealt with in many ways. Unemployment and illiteracy are the potential factors that contribute to destitution. Though an overwhelming number of people are below the poverty line, it can be brought down by providing free education and creating job opportunities.
Nowadays migration to urban areas is occurred to be popular among those people who were born in rural areas. One of the main reasons for this rural exodus is different levels of economic development in rural and urban areas. In my opinion, this tendency has a significant negative effect on the development of not only the rural areas through decreasing population but also cities due to reducing the standard of living among urban communities.
Acquiring knowledge on different subjects not limited to conceptual purposes but also for realistic applications is seeing an upward trend in recent past years. While a few people believe that it's good to gain knowledge on theoretical aspects, others think that subjects that have a practical approach give more benefits to an individual. In this essay, I will discuss both views and provide my opinion on why the practical approach is more advantageous.
Nowadays, the advancements in technology and transportation have not only changed individual's style of doing a job but also their living atmosphere.There are certain benefits with technological updates in the mentioned fields and these new inventions are also associated with negatives.The following paragraphs would elaborate on both of these matters.
Nobody can deny that parental influence is important for teenagers, at least in cases where children live with their parents, foster parents or guardians. However, it is by no means clear that children should spend time exclusively in the family, as we will see.
It is certainly true that recently most of the people like to live in sophisticated buildings. However, the number of few others, who are moving to reside their classical residence. therefore, I do think that both places have some valuable benefits to evaluate this concept.
Subjects taught in school remains a topic of debate among parents. While some believe that learning mathematics is irrelevant and should not be taught in schools, others believe this is a very important subject that needs to be in the curriculum. This essay will critically analyze both views.
The development in science is the crucial point of any prosperous county. However, the vast majority of students do not select a science subject to study at university; instead, they tend to choose more common subjects like business or Arts. The following paragraph will illustrate the causes behind selecting other options over a science major and its impact on the neighbourhood.
While some persons are of the opinion and I personally agree that holding physical money is not important and that all forms of bills should be paid online, many are of the claim that the use of paper money still has its merits. This essay will help to explain further.
Traditionally, men are considered as leaders of their families while women had to stay at home and raise children. In contrast, the global trend is changing, males become househusbands instead. Therefore, this essay will discuss several factors for this and why it is a negative trend.
In modern time, one of the most remarkable events is the increasing number of the e-commerce sector. It is often argued that is a favourable development, while others disagree and consider it will lead to adverse ramification. I totally agree with this statement improving online sales positively affected the moment. The following paragraphs will analyze the pros and cons of online shopping is trending.
In today's fast-paced life the need for amusing and entertaining movies has increased at an exponential rate, as they help in easing down the stress and relaxing person mind. Some serious and suspenseful full movies are also being made to make viewers think and be part of a movie as it proceeds. My preference is in harmony with the former category of movies, and the following paragraphs tend to highlight some specific reasons for my choice.
In spite of the fact that parents can make their decisions in terms of immunising or not immunising their children from deadly diseases, they have to feel a responsibility to their children. From my point of view, it must not be optional and all children have to be vaccinated.
Whereas some people believe that the boarding school gives outstanding advantages for youngsters, others disagree with the notion. This essay will discuss both sides of the arguments and reach a concluding view.
In recent years, the trend for researching the type of house is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Some people are keen to know the background of their houses. The primary reasons for this curiosity are to compare the housing trends and architectural differences with previous generations. Researchers can easily dig more into this field with the internet. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will explain the reasons for this trend and one prominent research way.
Over the last few years internet, especially e-commerce, has changed business models and our daily life in a lot of ways. For example, it is changing our shopping habits. These days individuals tend to buy their needs from virtual shopping websites rather than traditional retailers. It has some reasons including competitive conditions, being multichoice, reducing unemployment and so on. Therefore in this essay, I discuss why this phenomenon is an advancement in both business and lifestyles.
It is undeniable that immigration has become a great influence on society. Each year, more and more people are transmigrating to other countries by leaving their motherland. This essay will discuss why people are immigrating and provide options for the results of immigration.
Nowadays,many number of students are opting to study in international colleges and institutions for higher levels rather than in their own countries.There are various advantages and disadvantages with this approach and I am going to discuss both sides in this essay.
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