The nap boxes are designed by Itoki. In Japan, firms didn't disapprove of taking a nap at the workplace. A full-time worker does an average of 180 hours monthly. Well, I think that it will be useful relaxing equipment, especially in Japan. You know. Japan is famous for hard-working, and also for overwork death. Designing suitable furniture, which takes up as small area as possible, is very helpful.At my workplace, staffs always have lunch breaks, which last for an hour. I often feel more active and energetic thanks to my break period. Well, I think that in the morning and after break time, I am most productive at work. After these periods, I feel more logical and sensitive. I think that a raise in salary is helpful. Most of my colleagues complain about inflation. They think that they spent a lot of time working, and so they suit for higher salaries. I work over 200 hours monthly. The doctor is a busy job. I do the day shift, night-shift. I also have to attend a lot of con...