IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Somebody believes that the most field in school is history while other people argue that modern lessons like science and technology have more importance.I believe that two subjects are obligatory for students and have to learn them well.
Nowadays, development in the technological sector is growing at a very rapid pace. At present, companies already testing unmanned cars, buses and trucks for future use of people. In this essay, I will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of driverless cars and give my opinion.
It is undeniable that many students need to explore new things outside school.A Gap year before continuing to college benefits them with a great experience.Some people believe that taking a gap year make more drawbacks such as a waste of time.From my point of view,I agree with the former view.However,taking a gap year make some drawbacks.
It is commonly assumed that transportation expenditure should be attributed to railways by government. In constart, other individuals agrue that road system is mush more beneficial than rails. I extremely accept that both modes of transports have good benefits.
It is argued that students should take a year break before enrolling on their tertiary education. I completely agree with the statement the fact that it helps pupils to get into some job and gives them an opportunity to find out their passion.
It is often thought that Television is beneficial only for pleasure and amusement, while others believe that it is suitable for learning. Although there are contrasting views of this, in my ,opinion Television is a appropriate medium for fun and refreshment.
Many individuals claim that television can only be used for entertainment, while for many others it is for education. In this essay, I will discuss both views with support of my opinion.
Adolescents are frequently advised differently, according to their traditions,on the way to determining work in order to attain whatever they want.This message can be advantageous to children as it motivates them and encourages them to chase their dreams.In this essay,I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
In the contemporary world, most children spend their productive day in front of the TV set. Some believe that watching TV is an added advantage in terms of child development whereas some oppose the idea stating that it has many detrimental effects in long term.
Certain crowds think television has multi uses and one of them useful features is a source of education ,however,other populations are against this view,they think TV is used only date pass programmes only for entertainment.In my opinion,in this modern world TV is one of the best creations of technology.It gives positive results ,as well as negative all are in our own hands,what we want to get from it.In this ,essay, I will discuss both views and try to clarify misunderstandings.
These days, in some nations majorities experts always say that children can attain huge success if they try strict sufficient. In my opinion, children's youth should have freedom in life because they form independent personalities. In this, essay I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
Some individuals argue that mobile phones should be banned in most schools. In my opinion, I totally agree with this suggestion, and I will clear this on my upcoming passage.
Nowadays, there are some negative results on children to use computers in a daily row. This essay totaly agree with disadvantages of using computers steadily go beyond their advantages of bringing to us. In addition to, I will discuss mental and phsically problems that caused by computers.
While many professionals would like to have the freedom to work where ever they want, some believe that they should continue their work in the country in which they have received their training. There are good arguments on both sides, however, which we will discuss in this essay.
Education is the cornerstone for the future development of a nation. It is often argued that it is beneficial to give home education for children for their development whilst others disagree with this statement and opinioned to send them to the school.
There is no iota of doubt that few owners of the organisation include their worker’s ideas and viewpoints in the meetings. I opine that the merits of this trend are eclipsed by its demerits.
In this modern era, companies advertise their products to enhance their business. Many people argue that if we see an advertisement of any item then we want to buy that we do not need. Meanwhile, some believe that advertisment give us information about latest hoods that improve our lifestyle. I partially agree with both opinions and the following paragraphs will highlights my opinion with relevant examples.
It's a no-brainer that there has been a sudden decline in the life expectancy rate over the past few years. There are various reasons why some people live a very long life, and others don't. Although life expectancy totally depends on the lifestyle of a person, it has also been observed that people actually live longer in some parts of the world. In this essay, we will discuss the reasons why different geographical locations have an impact on people's long life and whether it is a good thing or not.
Media is affecting to young generation negatively and positively. Sometimes, it is seen that the violence in media is boosting crime among children. Although there are many reasons for juvenile offences and I think the media is one of the main reasons. I will give reasons why I am blaming to media for this and will recommend some solutions as well.
Numerous health issues are being faced by people who live in big cities due to air pollution. As many factors can contribute to this, the most notorious ones are gas-powered vehicles and exhaust from the factories that can be found in these cities. This essay will discuss the causes of this particular issue and suggest some solutions.
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