IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Technological advancements have already proven that vehicles are driven autonomously in some geographies, and the same culture is predicted going forward. There is a rationale behind these inventions, for example, increased road accidents because of manual driving, and the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. I strongly opine with this notion as it is beneficial to humankind because of various valid reasons which will be discussed in the coming paragraphs.
It has been pointed out that the number of pupils who choose their major in science areas in their university is not sufficient in several nations at the moment. In my opinion, a high level of studying pressure and fewer job opportunity are the reasons for this appalling situation, and this trend is detrimental for social development.
Environmental issues, these days, has been a serious concern across the globe even after taking effective steps towards this situation. However, there are various reasons that play a vital role behind degradation, but it is not impossible to solve it, after finding the correct reasons. This essay will discuss both problems and solutions for a better environment.
In this modern era, teaching methods are transforming very rapidly towards the electronic medium. In line with this, most schools are influencing their pupils to carry personal computers during classes. I do believe that this practice will have various positive impacts on the students learning process. In this essay, I will examine my view with suitable examples.
It is generally accepted that human emotion can be affected by colour and there is numerous research that confirms that view. I believe that a proper colour can boost people’s positivity and that’s why some public buildings like offices and hospitals must be decorated in an appropriate way to bring good influence to its occupant.
In the current times, the expansion of different modalities of transportation has decreased significantly human´s physical activity. Previously, to accomplish several everyday duties walking was involved, being this seen less nowadays. Firstly, this essay will discuss why walking should persist as a daily activity and secondly, how we can motivate people on this matter.
Most western folks are in possession of a mobile phone and they cannot live without it. In former times, phones were only used for a few calls. Nowadays, mobile phones are used for everything and cannot be excluded from our daily lives. However, besides the many ,advantages they also have many disadvantages. Both aspects will be discussed during this essay. I shall further describe this with relevant information and personal experiences.
Undoubtedly, in today's fast-paced era, the use of mobile phones has been skyrocketed dramatically compared to those in the past years for an individual as well as professional purposes. Notwithstanding, this disquisition delves into both boons and pitfalls, accordingly.
Nowadays, many folks get free advice for medical problems from the internet and do not want to visit a doctor. In my opinion, this is a negative development. This essay will discuss its reason and its negative effects on development.
Nowadays, a vast amount of people choose to leave their home nation due to multiple reasons. This trend significantly will affect society. Does this essay discuss what are the significant reasons for this phenomenon? and consequences.
In the modern era, consumer goods manufacturing has increased tremendously to meet customer demands. Due to this, the environment is getting affected. This essay will discuss the possible reasons and a solution to overcome this issue.
In this competitive ,world people are working laboriously to beat the competition. There is a number of reasons and solutions to lessen the burden of the workers. I will discuss both the postulates along with my rationale associated with appropriate exemplification in the subsequent paragraph.
As a creature becomes extinct, it will never return as the dinosaurs were so. Furthermore, since each living creature is closely related to the other in nature, the extinction of one creature can collapse the balance of the ecosystem and have a great impact on the whole natural environment.
Remember the old saying, health is wealth ? Well, it is literally true. A healthy mind and body are the key to a happy life. Health not only impacts a person's personal life but also professional life , so staying healthy should be of utmost importance in everyone's life .A healthy body is often linked to a good diet , exercise and avoiding stress. I believe regular exercise and a good diet are key to staying healthy.Analysing the effects of exercise and a good diet on the human body and mind would further support this.
In this modern world, the lives of people are more comfortable with technological invasions. Some opine that the ultra-modern types of equipment and advancements which is used for various purposes are convenient for people while others think that those devices are inappropriate and aggravate the risk. However, it could be proved that such advancements would reduce the strain on people. This would be discussed in detail in the upcoming paragraphs.
In this globalized world, many governments are making effort to invite foreign tourists because they believe the visitors will bring benefits and a beneficial impact. However, some citizens disputing the idea because there will be some problems. In the following essay, I would argue both sides and state that I incline to think the advantages exceed the drawbacks.
Despite notable and notorious repercussions of smoking, the majority carry on with this routine. Consequently, the causal factors in regard to addiction and the multiple approaches to minimize cigarette consumption in the community will be discussed further down.
In the contemporary era, many youngsters are settling in urban areas for their study and job. I think that there are more demerits of this trend as compare to merits. This essay will discuss the cause and drawbacks of this phenomenon.
Children are the wealth of the nation. Nowadays, more and more teenagers are turning overweight in industrialized countries. This is a major problem for the nations as its growth depends on the younger generation. I will discuss the reasons and their effects in this essay.
In the technological era, humans are finding it difficult to prove their efficiency against machines. The future of drivers, cashiers, phone operators and journalists is in danger due to technological advancement. In addition, the problems caused by the emergence of automation will be discussed.
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