Many civillians say that reducing traffic can only be done by limiting the usage of transports. I believe that making and redesigning new roads can limit it from happening . For example, Japan has one of the best roads system comparing to other nations, in addition to that traffics are hardly seen or heard eithder by news or social media.A lot of people believe that having a timetable on hours where others go for their jobs, shopping and education might be a solution to stop traffic.This is a controversial idea because we can't control societies by making their needs hard to reach because its absurd to actually believe that. However , traffic these days are out of hand and sadly there is no ideal way to stop it , everyone are suggesting but none is actually ready for this change. For instance, Kuwait have started being more strict on how many cars you can own , usage of phone while driving , crossing roads and moreover this change have got few crowds furious. Laws aren't designed t...